Jesus' Coming Back
Yearly Archives


Christmas in America

There’s no doubt that Christmas is, for America, the most thoroughly celebrated holiday of the year. We close our schools for a couple of weeks. We spend an astounding amount of money on gifts that we wrap with elaborate paper and ribbons…

This Christmas, Let Us Pray

It is arguably the most iconic image from the American Revolution. You can find drawings, paintings, and sculptures commemorating its significance in town halls, courthouses, libraries, churches, and veterans’ associations…

And Then, the Line Went Dead

I have seventeen entries in my cell phone directory of people who are dead. Sixteen men and one woman. My oldest and best friend Mike, gone too soon and in the midst of a dispute we never quite settled, then his wife Nancy, just a few years…

A World Without Christ?

The Christmas Holiday season gives each of us an opportunity to reflect on the year gone by, our successes or failures, along with our joys or sorrows. Recently, in her weekly column for, conservative and political writer Myra…

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