Jesus' Coming Back

A 2025 Year of Jubilee Could End Slavery in America

If the world’s oldest profession is prostitution, the world’s oldest institution is slavery.  Although the practice has been condemned by the United Nations and although Western nations officially have repudiated the sale of human beings, slavery has not been eradicated.  It has merely evolved into shapes and patterns that are not acknowledged as slavery.  Slaves have been given new names that cover up the sad reality — names like “economic refugees.”

The sad reality is that today, there are at least 40 million slaves worldwide.

Most pertinent for America, millions have been smuggled into or have streamed across the open borders of America itself.  They are aided by unscrupulous lowlifes who are expert at disguising their motives and their true trade, and they are further abetted by the current administration’s feckless policies as well as its hostility toward the law and law enforcement.

To put it bluntly, here in America, the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” slavery has been reintroduced and has burrowed into our social structures, finding homes in so-called “sanctuary” cities and states.  Appallingly, free-born American citizens are also put into a form of serfdom, requiring their tax dollars to support slavery.

The result is that the nation is divided into blue slave states and red free states, much as it was divided before and during the Civil War.  Worse, the Biden administration has endeavored to turn the entire nation into a nation of serfs by flooding the country with untold millions of illegal aliens either ignorant of or utterly opposed to American values.

The saddest cases are the estimated 500,000 unaccompanied alien children who have disappeared into networks of child labor and sex-trafficking.  Some are even victims of organ-harvesting, as counter-trafficking expert Alicia Hopper has testified before Congress.

The current administration has refused to address the horrific victimization of children.  Instead, Biden and Harris have openly promoted the reintroduction of slavery and serfdom of aliens and citizens alike by putting into practice a globalist mindset supporting unrestrained immigration, open borders, and bureaucratic enervation of the nation’s citizens.

The government’s following of the precepts of the Great Reset proposed by the World Economic Forum, which adheres to the fake spirituality of globalism, has threatened not just America, but the entire globe.  Instead of a Year of Jubilee reorienting social structures according to traditional Jewish and Christian values, a rival societal reset has challenged the Western world.  The globalist reset essentially institutionalizes slavery.  The Great Reset of the World Economic Forum admits that its goal is that “Western values [be] tested to the breaking point.”  A video posted on X by by the WEF shows a smiling man saying, “You will own nothing and be happy.”  The video adds, “We have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.”

“You will own nothing and be happy” is the very definition of slavery, as the persons who own nothing are owned by another entity.  They have no vested interest in the country into which they have illegally entered, and no prospects other than continued vassal-like dependence on state and city governments.

Recall: America engaged in a Civil War in which slaves were finally freed and jubilation ensued, including among abolitionists who had fought long and hard for the freedom of the entire populace.  Although modern sensitivities have perhaps justifiably rejected blackface minstrel shows, abolitionist composers of folk tunes did not hesitate to use the shows to promote their anti-slavery views, often in overtly religious fashion.

One such tune was the “Year of Jubilo.”  Written by New England abolitionist Henry Clay Work, the lyrics speak of the joy of slaves after the master of the plantation fled as Union forces drew near.  Although modern readers will almost certainly object to the tortured dialect Work employed, he ardently believed in securing the freedom of the slaves.  Work took his inspiration from the ancient biblical record of the Hebrew Year of Jubilee, during which all slaves were to be freed.  He ends his tune with a chorus: “It mus’ be now de kingdom comin’ an’ de year Jubilo!

For the Hebrews of antiquity as well as for Americans during and after the Civil War, the freedom of the slaves signified a new birth, a communal and national reset reflecting the values of the peaceable kingdom of God both ancient Israel and America believed in.  Abraham Lincoln referred to the hope of that rebirth of the nation in his Gettysburg Address, expressing the desire “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

For Lincoln and the abolitionists, America was to be reborn as the nation of Israel was reborn during the Year of Jubilee.  Slaves were to be freed and returned to their communities.  America’s freed slaves were to be given land (40 acres and a mule), a promise sadly not kept.

But the idea was that the land was to experience a cultural reset affecting every aspect of society.  The nation was to be completely restored, as the Hebrew prophet Isaiah proclaimed, and as American artist Edward Hicks portrayed in his paintings of the Peaceable Kingdom described in the book of Isaiah, chapter 11:

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid. … They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

For America, a declaration of the Year of Jubilee 2025 might be in order.

The hope is that a political revolution with deep Jewish and Christian spiritual underpinnings may well have commenced in November of 2024.  It may begin to be actualized in 2025, when Donald Trump is inaugurated.  As reforms that will change American society are enacted, a rebirth of American culture founded on spiritual, economic, intellectual, and constitutional integrity could begin.

The destruction of America’s foundational beliefs and the establishment of a type of serfdom by the left may now begin to be reversed.  A Year of Jubilee could free American citizens who are hobbled by bureaucratic chains and increasingly deprived of their rights and liberties, restoring their God-given rights and lands.  Eradication of the slavery resulting from unbounded immigration and promoted by blue sanctuary cities and states could begin.

Aliens hustled across the border by coyotes who sell innocent children into sweatshops and prostitution must end.  Families could be resettled back to their own lands.  They could find true freedom by returning to their communities, as in the Hebrew Year of Jubilee.  

But that will happen only if those nations from which they have come and should now be returned assume responsibility for their own peoples.  They must reform their laws and institutions to reflect cultural values that include the rule of law and the social reforms necessary to create freedom for all the peoples for whom they alone are ultimately responsible.  They should start with adherence to the constitutions they themselves have drawn up in imitation of the American Constitution.

But as long as they have an escape valve that releases them from their sworn duties toward their own citizens, they will continue as before and now.  America’s incoming administration should apply economic and diplomatic pressure on officials who proclaim allegiance to their nations’ constitutions but who refuse to practice the precepts therein.

A final caution: No Henry Clay type of compromise may be enacted when it comes to slavery.  As Lincoln noted, America cannot remain a house divided against itself.  It cannot attempt to serve two masters, the one committed to freedom and the other to serfdom.

Twenty twenty-five should be a Year of Jubilee for oppressed citizens and enslaved aliens alike — a year in which true righteousness and justice prevail for all.

Fay Voshell holds a M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary.  She is a regular contributor to American Thinker and can be reached at

<p><em>Image: JSMed via <a href="">Pixabay</a>, <a href="">Pixabay License</a>.</em></p>
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