Jesus' Coming Back

Has the Storm Arrived?

In my last column, I wrote about the new Independence Day, Jan. 20. This is when a corrupt and tyrannical administration exits Washington, D.C., for Delaware beaches or unwatchable and dying left-wing cable news shows.

Such a housecleaning is long overdue. Thanks to former (that has a nice ring to it) President Joe Biden, America has 10-15 million new illegal aliens, mostly young men of military age, from virtually every country across the globe.

Biden upped the national debt to over $36 trillion, with annual interest payments on this debt exceeding $1 trillion, more than we spend on defense. Crime is out of control, as exemplified by a New York City subway rider being set on fire and a flight attendant getting her throat slit on the 16th Street Mall in Denver.

We have spent hundreds of billions of dollars securing the borders of Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, South Korea, and others while leaving our borders open with a large welcome mat.

The government has been weaponized against domestic opposition, ranging from a presidential candidate to nonviolent protestors, school board attendee parents, Latin Mass aficionados, and those challenging the whimsical and fickle COVID “science.”

Inflation has wrecked the finances of middle-class America, making it challenging to put groceries on the family table, pay basic bills, and enjoy anything close to the lifestyle of past generations.

The people spoke several months ago, on Nov. 5, by a commanding margin, asking for another helping of MAGA (Make America Great Again) after four years of MASA (Make America Suck Again). We now have president (that has an even better ring) Donald Trump taking a second bite of the presidential apple.

Trump is no longer a neophyte to Washington, D.C., as he was in 2016. He visited the nation’s capital only 17 times before moving into the White House the first time. As the 45th president, he had an up-close-and-personal view of the deep state, administrative state, ruling class, swamp, blob, or whatever you choose to call the permanent and unaccountable national power structure.

 Trump comes backThe Last Refuge // by permission

America had a chance to vote based on a head-to-head comparison. Both Trump and Biden/Harris had four years to lead the country, for better or for worse. Trump also had four years off the field, planning his second-term strategy.

He has stood down a special counsel investigation based on fabricated campaign opposition research. He was impeached twice. The media criticized his every word or action for four years.

He picked his cabinet, advisors, and inner circle far more strategically and thoughtfully than eight years ago. Rather than trying to play nice with the GOP establishment and ruling class, he is going scorched earth. He has two, maybe four, depending on how the midterm elections go, years to deliver a fatal blow to the corrupt administrative state.

Trump needed his four-year walk in the wilderness to rethink, regroup, and prepare himself for battle. If he won reelection in 2020, his second term would be bogged down with treacherous and disloyal advisors and lawfare from both Republicans and Democrats, threatening to ruin or bankrupt Trump, his family, and his supporters.

Democrats and the ruling class will rue the day they pilfered the 2020 election. Instead of a weakened lame-duck President Trump serving his second term, with the lawfare chihuahuas constantly nipping at his ankles, they had the failed Biden presidency.

Now in 2025, it’s a new and improved Donald Trump, refreshed and ready to release a can of Mar-a-Lago whoop-ass on Washington, D.C.

As Obama adviser David Plouffe threatened, “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

For four years, from 2020 through 2024, they certainly tried. If the 2024 presidential election turned out differently, Plouffe’s warning would have come true.

But America heeded Joni Mitchell’s words, “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”

Voters realized what they had during Trump’s first term, which was soon gone, and they paved over Obama/Clinton/Biden/Harris and put up not a parking lot but the foundation for a new shining city on a hill.

Now, it’s time for the storm. Why would a storm be helpful? Hurricanes provide many benefits as a flip side to destruction when they hit heavily built-up and populated coastal enclaves. Hurricanes bring necessary water, break up bacteria, replenish plant life, and restore heat balance.

A Trump storm might have a similar effect in Washington, D.C., bringing desperately needed liberty, breaking up the blob, replenishing freedom, and restoring the Constitutional order and balance.

Lifting the curtain for a peek behind deep state activities, the enigmatic Q, dropper of breadcrumbs, prophesized back in 2017, “Look to Twitter: Exactly this: ‘My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us …’ God bless.”

Whether or not posted on Twitter (which Trump currently does not use much) or on his Truth Social platform, or simply enacted, make no mistake that the storm will be upon us on Jan. 20.

Is Q a deep state psyop providing false hope or a legitimate voice from government white hats? Will Q reappear once Trump is again our commander-in-chief? Does it matter?

What does matter is that Trump will be signing 100 executive orders on day one. Cabinet secretary hearings started the week before the inauguration. Trump is rested and ready to reenter the existential battle.

Compare Trump’s official inauguration photo from 2016 to 2024, from a smiling politician to a warrior ready to take no prisoners. This is the face of The Storm.

Trump official photos from 2016 and 2025screengrab

Who knows what else Trump has planned? He is likely keeping most of his plans close to the vest. Q also spoke of “stealth bombers.” Expect many surprises beginning today and going forward, such as storms that emerge from seemingly calm and quiet skies catching everyone off guard.

The Deep State is a monstrous hydra with multiple heads. Once severed, its heads can regenerate, and the hydra can only be defeated if its immortal head is chopped off. This task is daunting even for Trump and his cabinet and advisors, but it’s now or never.

We may not see another Donald Trump in our lifetimes: thick skin, a steel spine, and unwavering determination to drain the swamp and make America great again. Trump is the storm and will unleash havoc on the dark forces in America.

Is this God’s providence, a man spared instant death by grace, turning his head at the last second to avoid a life-ending bullet?

Whatever it is, this will be a year to behold. The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and what a time it is to be alive. Enjoy the storm, and may it restore America to what our Founding Fathers imagined 250 years ago.

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a physician and writer. Follow me on Twitter @retinaldoctor, Substack Dr. Brian’s Substack, Truth Social @BrianJoondeph, LinkedIn @Brian Joondeph and at email

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