Carteresque: Joe Biden Said Israeli Hostages Released by Hamas Terrorists Appeared to Be ‘in Good Health’
On his last full day in office before President Trump’s second inaugural, the pretender Joseph Biden demonstrated how unqualified he had always been for the office, with one simple statement.
Asked to comment on the first three Israeli hostages – all young women in their 20s, kidnapped on Oct. 7, 2023 – who were finally freed by Hamas this weekend, Joe Biden said “They appear to be in good health.”
This may sound like a harmless throwaway line, a cheerful effort to put a happy face on a difficult policy moment.
But I doubt it.
Joe Biden has displayed a shocking ability to expect the best from the mass murderers who run Gaza, to routinely give them the benefit of the doubt, and to rhetorically attack our friend Israel for its caution in dealing with them.
In this peculiar ceasefire program, Hamas proposes to release just a few hostages per week, while Israel releases imprisoned terrorists at a rate of 100 convicted terrorists per hostage. Eventually, if this process continues unabated, Israel will get 33 hostages back, and Hamas will get over 3,000 of its “soldiers” back.
It is likely that the eyes of the world will most closely watch the first one or two batches, then quickly lose interest in covering the story.
The Gazan prisoners released by Israel have been held in decent conditions — normal modern prisons with decent food and proper medical care.
By contrast, the hostages whom Hamas is finally releasing have been held for 15 months in horrific conditions, often in underground tunnels, chained down, malnourished, and roughly handled, to say the least. Others have been literally enslaved in terrorist households. They won’t want to speak of it, but we know that Islamofascist kidnappers typically use hostages – especially female hostages – as sexual playthings.
No doubt as these young women are freed, they will smile with relief at the end of their torment, happy at being reunited at last with their parents and siblings who have kept up the fight for them for so long, never giving up.
But to say they are “in good health?”
No. Anyone who sees these pictures, anyone with the slightest understanding of what life must have been like for these hostages, knows that they will never be in good health again.
You don’t survive a year-plus of imprisonment by Islamofascist torturers without being permanently injured. The body is permanently weakened by a year of malnutrition; the mind is permanently assaulted by a year of fear, of threats, of abuse and assaults. These young women will never be the same.
But Joe Biden doesn’t understand that; he has never thought that deeply about the issues, or possibly, about any issues. He sees political moments in terms of how they will benefit or hurt his alliances, his poll numbers, his legacy, his bank account. He sees innocent hostages being released on his watch, under an awful bargain that his own team proposed and campaigned for, and he views it as a win, without the slightest interest in looking below the surface at the lives of the affected individuals.
We onlookers know the truth. We see the things that the Biden-Harris regime doesn’t see.
We see how outrageously lopsided the exchange is – 100 guilty prisoners for each innocent hostage.
We see how incomparable the two sides are. The Gazan forces in Israeli jails are terrorists, properly convicted (and yet, still well cared for), people guilty of crimes against humanity that even the Geneva Convention doesn’t protect.
By contrast, the Israeli hostages held in Gazan tunnels are innocent civilians, farmers or clerks, dancing at a music festival or raising their children on a farm, most of whom witnessed their best friends and closest relatives raped, mutilated, and killed, just moments before being hauled off themselves to this 15-month imprisonment, with that horrific last memory being the final image of their life on the outside, to haunt them throughout their long captivity.
We see how the Biden-Harris regime has supported the Gazan enemy, pouring money into their allegedly humanitarian aid (which has always been used by Hamas for war materiel against Israel). We see how the Biden-Harris regime has constantly tried to hold back Israel, to talk Israel into stopping their existential effort to rid the world of this demonic presence once and for all.
The Biden-Harris regime either doesn’t see this full truth, or they do, and they are just playing politics, claiming to support Israel for political purposes, while knowing full well that this administration’s every effort assists the terrorists and jeopardizes Israel’s survival.
It is well known that, every time you agree to a prisoner-for-hostages swap, you are laying the groundwork for future hostages to be taken. This ceasefire has only one message for Hamas: “Taking hostages works; we should do it again.” (And watching the Gazans dancing in the streets at the release of hundreds of their fellow killers this weekend confirms it).
It is likely, however, knowing the challenges in Israeli public opinion, that a prisoner-for-hostages swap was inevitable, the only question was ‘when.’ Eventually, Israel’s government would be forced by its own people to agree to one, because Israel – rightly – places value on every single innocent life, and therefore desperately wants to somehow set each innocent hostage free, even at the expense of future security.
It is therefore a victory that this swap was postponed as long as it was.
Both Hamas and the Biden-Harris regime expected Israel to cave long ago, stopping the scouring of Gaza before they were done.
By resisting so long, Israel has most likely managed to obliterate almost every illegal terrorist tunnel, every terrorist rocket launch pad and weaponry cache in the territory.
When Hamas regroups – as they will – they will be starting from scratch. Hamas and its allies didn’t expect that.
Also, by resisting this long, Israel has revealed to the world several truths that had been long suspected but were previously unproven:
The Western world and the anti-Israeli press had doubted Israel’s claims about the extent of Hamas’ military spending, how Hamas starved its own people to feed its desire for weapons, and how many highly-respected international charities were really just conduits to Hamas’ terrorist activities all along.
Only by Israel completing its scouring of Gaza – and sharing the video evidence with the world — have these truths been revealed, with such clarity that none can deny them anymore.
Western reporters have been found to be in the pay of the terrorists, participants in terrorism, and even holders of hostages themselves. Western charities and government-funded NGOs have been found to be funneling personnel, equipment and funds directly to Hamas. Countless billions in infrastructure resources have been directly proven to have gone into the building of that very tunnel network that was used in both the Oct. 7 attacks and in the imprisonment of all those innocent hostages.
But still. “They appear to be in good health” says Joe Biden, as he closes the book on one more of the countless foreign policy disasters of his miserable term in office. He’s happy to be able to check off one more box, pretending to be oblivious to the reality behind it.
Or maybe he’s not pretending. With his diminished mental capacity, he may indeed be oblivious. But his staff isn’t. His staff know exactly what they’re doing, and what side they’ve been on since the beginning.
Thank Divine Providence that that side, as of Jan. 20, is finally out of America’s executive branch, and the United States can return to its position of leadership on the side of right, at long last.
John F. Di Leo is a Chicagoland-based international transportation manager, trade compliance trainer, and speaker. Read his book on the surprisingly numerous varieties of vote fraud (The Tales of Little Pavel), his political satires on the Biden-Harris years (Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Volumes I, II, and III), and his most recent collection of public policy essays, Current Events and the Issues of Our Age, all available in eBook or paperback, only on Amazon.
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