Biden’s Pardon Confirms Fauci Guilt
It may initially seem over-the-top hyperbole to compare Dr. Anthony Fauci to Josef Mengele, MD, the “Angel of Death” in Auschwitz. The facts prove that Fauci is at least in his league, if not worse. Fauci harmed or killed more people. He decimated public trust in federal medical institutions. Fauci acted solely to benefit his ego and his wallet. Mengele was working for what he believed was the greater good, admittedly of the Aryan race at the expense of all untermenschen (slave races). This made him an extreme racist but not venal.
Dr. was italicized above to emphasize that Fauci has been treating papers not people for his whole four-decade career. Nonetheless, he had the temerity to dictate to the real world, in-the-trenches clinical physicians, what they should do and what they cannot do for their patients.
By sneaking in a pardon during his last minutes as president, Joe Biden admitted to the world that Fauci is indictable, if not legally proven guilty, of numerous crimes. As he cannot be criminally tried, following is a partial list of crimes this author believes Fauci committed for which he will never be formally punished.
Public tyranny
Fauci’s tyranny was manifest by censorship, lockdowns, and mandatory injections which contravened the First Amendment to the Constitution denying Americans free speech, religious freedom, and right to assemble, as well as the Fourth Amendment “right to be secure in their persons.”
Forcing the public to accept injections of an experimental drug also violated the Third Pledge of the 1948 World Medical Association Declaration of Geneva, “respecting the autonomy … of my patient.”
Medical tyranny
Fauci’s medical tyranny was not limited to the American public. He also dictated to clinical physicians what they had to do — inject their patients with inadequately tested mRNA gene treatments and triage the sickest according to their social standing — and what they could not do, e.g., prescribe Ivermectin or adopt the Great Barrington Declaration approach.
Fauci is guilty of medical tyranny two ways. He ordered improper treatment protocols, and he forced his medical decisions on patients who did not choose him as their physician.
Anti-scientific medicine
As a true megalomaniac, Fauci declared, “I represent science,” and “those who oppose me are going against science.” His medical dictates contradicted scientific facts. He mandated face masks when studies showed they didn’t work to protect the wearer or to prevent spread of contagion. He locked down (quarantined) the healthy population with no epidemiologic evidence that such an action did any good: there was extensive proof of its harm. Fauci required not only universal mRNA “vaccination” but boosters as well, despite a vast body of data showing protection was fleeting and the jab was causing extensive harm even death.
Anthony Fauci was the highest paid federal official — $480,654 in 2022 — even before he implemented the great COVID scam and swindle. It was a scam like the Emperor’s Clothes, asserting an existential threat that wasn’t there. It was a swindle by paying Big Pharma billions of taxpayer dollars through a no-competitive-bid contract for the mRNA shots he de facto mandated for everyone. It is known that pharmaceutical companies paid NIH and Fauci more than $150 million in royalties. How much went to Fauci is unknown, but his net wealth increased by more than $5 million during COVID, even as millions of Americans lost their jobs and incomes because of Fauci’s lockdowns.
Killing Credibility
Fauci damaged the credibility of federal agencies such as NIH, CDC, and FDA. (Former Attorney General Merrick Garland’s lawfare was probably a greater contributor to loss of trust.) Fauci would say something, and experience or reports that evaded his censorship showed the public precisely the opposite. In essence, he kept telling people not to believe their lying ears, eyes, and brains. “Just listen to me, do what I say, and everything will be fine.” Unfortunately for Fauci’s and Washington’s credibility, everything was not fine, not for We The People.
Biden’s justification for pardoning Fauci was newspeak, the official language in George Orwell’s book 1984. In newspeak, the government pronouncement was the antithesis of reality: ignorance is strength, war is peace, and freedom is slavery. Biden wrote, “The issuance of these pardons [Fauci, General Milley, et al.] should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense.” Translation: They are guilty and before someone goes to prove it, I am pardoning them.
Furthermore, Biden exonerated himself using a common Democrat tactic: attacking opponents by falsely accusing them of something Democrats deny doing but something they did in fact do. Democrats accused Trump of colluding with Russia when he didn’t, but Hillary Clinton did. Over four years, Biden and his progressive allies repeatedly used the courts as vehicles for illegal and unfounded political prosecutions of Trump by Fani Willis, Jack Smith, and Alvin Bragg. So naturally, Biden explains the need for pardons because they (those pardoned) “do not deserve to be the targets of unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions.” Clearly, Biden expects Trump to do to those preemptively pardoned what Biden’s cronies did to him.
Josef Mengele was a despicable, evil human being. Anthony Fauci may have been worse. Neither was (or will be) held accountable by any legal system. Both disgraced the title Doctor and are found unequivocally guilty in the court of public opinion as well as history books.
Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA is Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Decision Science; former Director of Center for Healthcare Policy at Texas Public Policy Foundation; former Director of New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange; and author of 12 books, including multi-award winning, Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare and Market-Based Medicine. Follow him on @DrDeaneW or contact via or Contact him at
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