Raising Next-gen Conservatives
The first step in solving a problem is to acknowledge that the problem exists. Only then can steps be taken to solve, or at least manage the problem. During the COVID lockdowns many schools instituted remote learning and parents got to see first-hand some of the things their children were being exposed to. We know there’s a problem, but what can we do about it?
Young children learn at an astonishing rate, so it makes sense for parents, as their children’s primary educators to take advantage of their receptivity. If teachers are immersing our children in objectionable ideologies we might be able to remove them from that environment. Transferring to a different school may help, but we’re still relying on someone else to teach our children what we think they should know. A better tactic is to equip them with the values and intellectual skills they need to form and defend their own opinions. Children may not be able to discuss current events at an adult level, but they do possess a sense of fairness and are (hopefully!) able to distinguish right from wrong.
We can engage in conversations with our children at appropriate levels, and in order to do that we have to be well-informed ourselves. The public is turning away from newspapers and televised news programs and are increasingly getting their information from podcasts, internet news and opinion sites, and social media. It’s a simple matter to access a few of those each day and bring them up in conversation afterwards, perhaps around the dinner table.
One tactic might be to ask those at the table to contribute something to the conversation. It could be something that happened to them that day or a news item they heard about. There are enough major news stories breaking each day that one of those could easily become a conversational topic. Mom or dad could explain the event and then the children could take turns responding to it. Children could mention what they think about it, or how it makes them feel and why. Children like being asked about their opinion and doing so encourages them to think seriously about the issue being discussed.
This is a good opportunity to introduce proper debating techniques, especially in how to disagree with another person in a constructive way. Some news programs feature group discussions where participants discuss an issue from different perspectives. While these are probably not very entertaining for very young children, those who are a little older might benefit from seeing how adults conduct debates. Some of these shows are better than others, and still others show how not to conduct a debate. Choose wisely.
Another approach might be to use television commercials and programs to teach about bias. Rather than simply consuming the information at face value, ask your children what factors might be underlying the advertisement or a particular scene or bit of dialogue. Doing this encourages them to look deeper into the situation and look for underlying motivations. If they can identify someone else’s viewpoint, ask them what they think about it. Do they agree or disagree with it, and why? Have them justify their opinion.
Seattle Public Library
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