Trump Proved Democrats Want A Permanent Underclass Of Illegal Migrants To Exploit

I can’t think of any other logical reason the Biden administration and other mainstream Democrats want illegal immigration other than wanting a permanent underclass that they can underpay, mistreat, and exploit with no repercussions. Democrats have catered to the elites, and keeping illegal migrants only benefits the top of the economic pyramid.
They want foreign nationals teased about having an “American Dream” who will never achieve it because it would hurt their donors’ bottom line. I believe the “pathway to citizenship” discussion was meant to be the next wedge issue that will never be resolved, but every politician could run on pretending that they care about their manufactured underclass.
That goes back to what I’ve been saying for years now and what pushed me away from the Democratic Party: The Democrats are engaging in class warfare as they find a way to make money off of the “never citizens” while distracting the American citizen.
The remix narrative is that those poor, unfortunate illegal immigrants are taking American jobs instead of the truth that corporate interests and conniving corporatists prefer hiring cheap labor that they can abuse to increase profits for themselves and their shareholders.
The illegal immigrants are fed a lie that convinces them to risk their lives to come here, and American citizens are given a new enemy so the economic elite have their scapegoat. It’s rather genius. You’re now angrier at the poor man who’s chasing a lie than the people who created the fable for them to believe in.
Some of the extra profit created by exploiting illegal labor ends up in the pockets of the political establishment. Your job wasn’t shipped overseas by accident.
I’m always careful about saying that something was done purposefully because it ignores the possibility of it being done out of sheer incompetence. However, for President Donald Trump to have such a massive impact in a matter of days has convinced me that former President Joe Biden could have done the same but chose not to.
On day one, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) knew exactly where to go, which means they had been put on a leash. Why would we stop immigration enforcement from picking up dangerous foreign nationals on our soil?
Why is the mayor of Newark angry that ICE raided a small business in his city? Easy: Because the city benefits from an illegal workforce. Everyone is on the take. The more businesses, the more tax revenue and the bigger the budget the city gets. Everyone looks the other way. But now that people see the game at hand, the players don’t like that someone is messing with their money.
I voted for Trump, but I’m always skeptical about whether any politician will do what he says. They usually do some of it and people get too distracted by winning points against their political opponents to fix desperate problems that require attention.
But I did not expect this tenacity right away. I did not expect Trump to take it as seriously as he is. Illegal immigration is terrible for everyone involved, including the illegals who are here.
No one should have to live in the shadows of a society, wondering if tomorrow will be the day they are taken away. No one should be used up and thrown away when they get injured on the job and forced to work perpetually because they have no retirement. Having people live in the shadows of our society helps no one in the long run.
On the flip side, illegal immigration eats at the wages of American citizens and usurps a legal process to bring people into this country that’s a net positive. Open borders close economic opportunities. Decades ago, some of today’s low-skill labor jobs that now pay minimum wage were considered decent-paying working-class jobs that could help support an American family.
You can tell how desperate Democrats are to keep the status quo because they want you to forget the past and believe that getting rid of their underclass would mean that no American citizen would want to do their “undesirable” jobs. Americans have been gaslit by the political establishment, economic elite, and top Democrats.
I’m far from being a Trump sycophant, as I don’t trust any politician to keep his word. But Trump has already proved his point in a matter of days: They wanted the destruction of our country and he’s here to prevent it.
This article is republished, with permission, from WrongSpeak.
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