Jesus' Coming Back

Conservative Publishing is Making a Comeback

Last year, I reached out to dozens of agents in an attempt to write an article that would give conservative writers the information needed to query the best contacts in the publishing industry.  I received just two responses, reminding me of how stacked the deck is against conservative content. 

This came after multiple writers reached out to me seeking help in a field that is growing increasingly liberal.  These writers sought me out in response to the 2022 article I wrote for American Thinker about being a conservative in the publishing industry. 

What struck me is that these writers all had similar stories.  They’d been working on their craft, and doing everything right, but still struggled to get anywhere because their content didn’t appease the corporate mainstream directive to vilify American values and sexualize children.  Wokeism is the name of the corporate publishing game, and if you don’t adhere to the leftist rules, you aren’t going to make their failing grade.  

Of the two literary agencies that responded to my information request, one declared that it is “proudly progressive” and seeks out only such corresponding content but wished to remain anonymous.  I thought it was strange that the agency refuses to represent conservative authors yet won’t publicize that important detail.  This is a current trend.  It’s hush-hush.  They talk about us behind our backs.  They unjustly punish us for loving our freedoms and shun us for heralding diversity of thought. 

It’s unnecessary, and it wastes our time.  I spent years querying and getting writing jobs on my own before I finally gave up seeking an agent.  Every once in a while, I’ll send out a query just for fun, but I know it’s useless. 

I did receive encouragement from the other agency that responded to my information inquiry.  The Steve Laube Agency is a Christian company that represents Christian values and Christian content.  This offers some kind of hope for Christian conservatives, but it’s still one agency.  It can represent only so many authors in so many genres. 

In addition, not every conservative author is Christian, and not all books need to be about faith.  Yes, faith is a driving force, and Christianity is a wonderful American standard, but traditional writers often seek to create universal stories.  What about the writers who wish to write the next great American novel?  Or the author who just wants to create a fun children’s book that helps kids enjoy their world? 

As a mother of five, I’ve been on the hunt for kid-lit reading material that doesn’t have woke garbage dancing around the pages.  This is almost impossible with corporate publishers.  The corporate publishing industry has accepted a disgraceful level of content degradation, especially when it comes to children’s books.

Corporate publishing has become a preaching factory for the left, and no one is benefiting from it except political extremists.  No child really enjoys a book like “Feminist Baby,” but plenty of 20-something liberal women do.  No kid checks out a fantasy book about dragons hoping that one of these mythical creatures will be a lesbian who’s always fighting with her parents (I’m looking at you, “Wings of Fire” series). 

Thankfully, indie publishing has become a refuge for readers and writers fleeing wokeism in literature.  It has opened new doors for old-school talent in a landscape where talent now takes a backseat to identity politics.  Places like Chicken Scratch Books and Sky Pony Press promote traditional children’s books.  Neither requires an agent for writers to submit their work, and they mainly seek apolitical content that gives kids books that are fun again.

Indie publishing has been good to me.  I’ve made a little bit of a name for myself without ever having any kind of literary representation in, but I work a lot.  It’s a tough road, and there is no reason why conservative writers or artists need to keep being pushed out. 

I’ve found that starting small and working your way up is still possible.  I recently created my own publication for conservative content called American First Magazine, and that is also now open for submissions.  We accept short stories (fiction and nonfiction), poetry, artwork, and photography. 

Like other independent conservative publishers, we’re seeking to give conservative creatives a voice.  Writers seeking to get their work out there can also check out Defiance Press, Regnery Publishing, and Brave Books. 

Defiance Press is a hybrid publisher, so it does some self-publishing assistance and some straight publishing deals.  I had great experiences with Defiance for my homeschooling book. 

Regnery Publishing does not take unsolicited submissions, so an agent is required.  It also focuses mainly on politics, so nonfiction is its thing.  

Brave Books does not list submission information, so it’s best to have an agent to reach this one.  This may seem discouraging, knowing how few agents openly accept conservative content, but there is always self-publishing. 

I do have to say, self-publishing is much less stigmatized than it was in the past.  I’ve had work published in the mainstream and indie world, but when I self-published a nonfiction book, I reached my sales goal.  I’m no expert, but I do have a wide range of experience.

Self-publishing was a great endeavor.  It gives you what you put into it.  It serves the author well so long as he ensures that the content is solid and well edited, and he sits down and forces himself to create a marketing plan. 

Amazon’s ever-popular Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) service has some drawbacks, so I recommend using a provider like Ingram and buying your own ISBN.  Cover art, formatting, and content need to be carefully planned out.  With KDP, Amazon owns the ISBN, and that creates long-term issues for serious authors.  But serious authors will do their research. 

Regardless, however writers get their work out there, conservative publishing is gaining steam.  So many conservative stories are deserving of their place in the world.  Stories that involve traditional American values are still as relevant as ever.  Readers who wish to think for themselves still exist, and these stories matter to plenty of them.  Conservative publishing is growing, and it’s not going to stop. 

Jessica is a homeschooling mother of five, co-op English teacher, journalist, author, and backyard chicken farmer.  She runs American First Magazine, writes for her monthly column with Write Revolution News: The Mama Bear report, and reports for the Right Side Broadcasting Network and Mid Rivers Newsmagazine.

<p><em>Image via <a href="">Pexels</a>.</em></p>
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