Hillary Clinton’s Hypersonic Hypocrisy: The Missile Tech Scandal She Hopes You Ignore
The next time Hillary Clinton or her media allies wag a finger about “Russian interference,” remember this: Hillary Clinton’s State Department helped arm Russia with hypersonic missile technology.
Yes, the same Hillary Clinton who branded Tulsi Gabbard a “Russian asset”. The same Hillary Clinton who pushed the Trump-Russia collusion hoax for years. The same Hillary Clinton who expects America to believe that Moscow is an existential threat. Her tenure at the State Department actively facilitated, promoted, and encouraged the transfer of dual-use technology that helped build Russia’s next-generation hypersonic missile systems.
U.S. officials later sounded the alarm about Skolkovo’s military applications, but the damage was done by then. As Clinton’s State Department actively promoted the initiative, there was little visible scrutiny of how the technology could be weaponized—despite Skolkovo’s deep ties to Russian intelligence and defense interests. As U.S. concerns grew in subsequent years, Clinton and her allies never showed any sign of regret or reassessment—even as Clinton Foundation donors
stood to benefit.
You can’t make this up.
Selling Out National Security
By 2012, U.S. intelligence had reversed its view on the Skolkovo Project, a high-profile technology initiative to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in Russia. However, it was recognized—too late—that it had become a massive technology transfer operation benefiting Moscow’s military.
The U.S. Army warned that Skolkovo was being used to acquire highly sensitive information on space, satellite, nuclear, and missile technology, and in 2011, U.S. military intelligence assessed that Skolkovo had approved the development of a hypersonic cruise missile engine.
By 2014, the FBI was waving red flags, with the assistant special agent in charge of its Boston Field Office taking the extraordinary step of publicly warning that American technology had been sold to Skolkovo.
And yet, none of this scrutiny existed when Clinton’s State Department actively promoted the partnership. Hillary Clinton pushed through the assistance first. The warnings came later. And by the time the full consequences were realized, the damage was done.
Was this mere incompetence—naïve hubris that “engagement” with Moscow would somehow lead to peace and prosperity? Or was it something far worse?
Consider this: While Hillary’s State Department championed the Skolkovo Initiative, Bill Clinton cashed in—raking in $500,000 for a single speech in Moscow, paid for by a Russian investment firm with ties to Skolkovo and the Kremlin.
And as if that weren’t convenient enough, 17 of the 28 American tech firms involved in Skolkovo just happened to be generous donors to the Clinton Foundation. Because that’s how the Clintons roll.
So, was this just classic Clintonian greed—using public office to rake in private wealth while facilitating the transfer of advanced dual-use technology to one of America’s greatest adversaries? Or was it reckless incompetence—greenlighting a deal that helped Russia leap ahead in hypersonic missile development?
Either way, the result is the same: Russia got hypersonic missiles. America got left behind. And Clinton, Inc. got paid.
The Hypocrisy is Nuclear-Level
Imagine if Trump had done this.
If his administration had funneled dual-use missile technology to Moscow, the media meltdown would have made Russiagate look like a polite book club discussion. CNN would have a countdown clock to impeachment. Adam Schiff would be holding emergency hearings at dawn. Rachel Maddow would be on her third chalkboard, connecting dots no one else could see—and precious few would be watching.
Instead? Silence.
Meanwhile, the same media and political elite who smeared Tulsi Gabbard as a “Russian asset” and pushed the Trump-Russia collusion hoax for years have no interest in reckoning with the fact that Hillary Clinton’s State Department helped give Russia one of the most dangerous weapons of the modern era.
And let’s not forget—it was Hillary herself who planted the “groomed by Russia” narrative in the first place. The same woman who signed off on dual-use tech transfers to Moscow also tried to destroy Gabbard’s career by baselessly claiming she was doing the Kremlin’s bidding.
Now, let’s be clear: Clinton did not approve the sale of hypersonic weapons research to Russia’s military. But what she did do was arguably just as reckless—her State Department facilitated the transfer of dual-use hypersonic technology to a purportedly civilian research initiative in Russia that dutifully passed it along to the Kremlin’s military-industrial complex.
In other words, she didn’t directly hand Moscow next-generation missile blueprints—she put the pieces within Russia’s reach and let Putin’s engineers do the rest.
So let’s get this straight:
- Tulsi Gabbard, who dared to criticize U.S. interventionism, was supposedly “groomed” by Russia—but she never enabled Moscow to acquire technology that led to game-changing hypersonic missiles.
- Donald Trump, who endured years of FBI investigations, media smears, and impeachment theater over so-called Russian collusion, never greenlit the transfer of cutting-edge missile tech under the guise of “civilian research.”
But Hillary Clinton did.
And after all that, she received the nation’s highest civilian honor?
One of these women was smeared as a Russian asset. The other set the stage for Putin to acquire technology that led to game-changing missiles.
Guess which one was honored as a stateswoman?
So, who’s the real Russian asset?
Where’s the Investigation?
Let’s be blunt: If a Republican had done this, the media would be calling for treason charges.
Where are the congressional hearings? The subpoenas? The breathless MSNBC segments about “national security threats”?
The Trump administration must investigate this—immediately. Congress must demand answers. Congress should haul both Clintons and every official involved in this reckless decision in to testify under oath.
- What exactly was transferred to Russia?
- Who profited?
- What American firms were involved in the transfer of dual-use technology?
- Did the Clinton Foundation receive any donations from interested parties?
- Why was a known geopolitical adversary given access to military-adaptable technology?
- What did the various players in the Obama-Biden administration know, and when did they know it?
If we’re going to pretend that “democracy is at stake” every time a Democrat loses an election, maybe—just maybe—selling advanced dual-use technology to an adversary should be grounds for some scrutiny. The potential consequences of inaction are severe.
Hillary’s Legacy: Russia’s Missile Godmother
This debacle should be a career-ending scandal. However, Hillary Clinton’s scandals never end careers.
Well—unless you believe in coincidences.
Instead, she struts onto the dais to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom—alongside her good buddy George Soros—opines endlessly about “Russian interference” and plays the off-putting role of elder stateswoman while the country suffers from her disastrous decisions.
Clinton and her allies want you to believe that Trump and Gabbard are security threats. But the real national security threat? The people who sold America out while pretending to be its guardians.
And next time Clinton shrieks about “foreign interference,” remind her:
Hillary Clinton’s State Department enabled the transfer of hypersonic missile technology to Vladimir Putin.
And she gets a medal for it?
Charlton Allen is an attorney, former chief executive officer, and chief judicial officer of the North Carolina Industrial Commission. He is the founder of the Madison Center for Law & Liberty, Inc., editor of The American Salient, and the host of the Modern Federalist podcast.
CC BY 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.
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