The Threat of Carbon Capture
The “climate hoax” and “Green New Scam,” as President Donald Trump calls them, have spawned countless bad ideas and even worse policies.
In the transglobal elite’s attempt to direct the world’s economy by controlling average people, they have pushed an idiotic and dangerous vision of the nations of the world going net zero. I’m sure it’s purely coincidence that the policies developed to meet net zero just happen to benefit those same elites financially and in terms of political power.
Among the net zero policies pushed by the former Biden-Harris administration were de facto electric vehicle mandates, greenhouse gas restrictions forcing the premature closure of reliable coal-fueled power plants, and restrictions on the types of home appliances that could be sold.
One policy pushed by the net zero cabal that has gotten relatively little attention is mandated Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Under this scheme, carbon dioxide emissions are captured and then transported via a spiderweb of pipelines to underground reservoirs to be stored permanently.
Carbon capture has long been used in the oil and gas industry, but the CO2 is not stored. Rather, it is pumped in to marginal or flagging wells where it enhances oil recovery. This is not permanent storage.
The whole motive for CCS, the uneconomic capture for permanent storage rather than use, is to fight climate change and hit net zero. The fossil fuel industry, particularly coal, has embraced it as a lifeline allowing them to continue to operate, a lifeline that happens to come with generous subsidies.
Unsurprisingly, climate grifters have embraced CCS as a way to garner big bucks. They get money from federal subsidies for constructing and operating the network of carbon capture plants and pipelines needed to deliver the captured carbon to supposedly secure underground permanent storage reservoirs. Even bigger bucks come from the generation of “carbon credits,” which they can then sell to high-CO2 emitting industries, allowing them to continue operating while burnishing their green ESG credentials to their shareholders, the public, and various regulatory agencies.
A recent study that I co-authored for the Heartland Institute shows CCS to be unnecessary and dangerous.
CCS is unnecessary because data do not support claims that the world faces a climate crisis or that climate change poses an existential threat to human existence. Despite daily mainstream media lies, the weather is not worsening, food supplies are increasing, and people are living longer, healthier lives, amid modest warming.
The government push for CCS threatens individual property rights because the operators claim the pipelines provide a public good or public benefit, the reduction of CO2, and thus should be allowed to exercise eminent domain to take private lands for pipeline rights-of-way from unwilling sellers. is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit research organization based in Arlington Heights, Illinois.
Image: CSIRO
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