Jesus' Coming Back

Unshakable J.D. Vance Destroys Margaret Brennan On ‘Face The Nation’: ‘At what point will these leftwing media hacks figure out that they’re no match for JD?’ Donald Trump Jr. posted on X; “I Don’t Really Care, Margaret”: Vance Shuts Down CBS Journo Over Unvetted Migrants

Unshakable J.D. Vance Destroys Margaret Brennan On ‘Face The Nation’:

‘At what point will these leftwing media hacks figure out that they’re no match for JD?’ Donald Trump Jr. posted on X.

One clue President Donald Trump’s administration is using a completely different playbook than former President Joe Biden is its willingness to have an unscripted, on the record, in-depth conversation with adversarial media. That is what Vice President J.D. Vance did Sunday when he did an interview with Margaret Brennan, host of CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

By saying yes to the interview, Vance graciously overlooked Brennan’s routinely anti-President Trump stance, including her notorious moderation of the October debate between Vance and Democrat opponent Tim Walz, during which she showed favoritism to Walz.

Brennan came prepared for a take-down interview with a stack of tough questions, a serious navy-blue suit, and a sometimes-furrowed brow. Vance was not intimidated, answering her accusing tone on each topic with calm reason, a contrast that made her look unhinged at times.

They discussed Trump’s plan to end birthright citizenship, which grants citizenship to everyone born in the United States, even if their parents have no legal tie to the country. Vance noted that babies born in the United States to tourists or diplomats are not granted citizenship. They are citizens of their parents’ home country. In the same way, a baby born in the United States to an illegal alien is not automatically a U.S. citizen.

Ahh, but, “This is a country founded by immigrants,” Brennan responded. “This is a unique country.”

“Just because we were founded by immigrants doesn’t mean that 240 years later, that we have to have the dumbest immigration policy in the world,” Vance retorted “…America should actually look out for the interest of our citizens first, and that means, again, if you’re here permanently and lawfully, your kid becomes an American citizen. If you’re not here permanently, if you’re not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and don’t plan to be, why would we make those people’s children American citizens permanently?” —>READ MORE HERE

“I Don’t Really Care, Margaret”: Vance Shuts Down CBS Journo Over Unvetted Migrants:

In his first interview since taking office on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” Vice President JD Vance shut down host Margaret Brennan during a line of questioning over allowing unvetted illegal migrants into the United States.

“We absolutely cannot unleash thousands of unvetted people into our country,” said Vance. To which Brennan shot back “These people are vetted.”

“Just like the guy who planned a terrorist attack in Oklahoma a few months ago? He was allegedly properly vetted.”

” I don’t want my children to share a neighborhood with people who are not properly vetted,” Vance continued.

Brennan then tried to pivot, suggesting “It wasn’t clear if he was radicalized when he got here or while he was living here.”

To which Vance shot back, “I don’t really care, Margaret.”

Vance also Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, for whom the VP cast the tie-breaking vote to push through his confirmation.

“I think Pete is a disrupter, and a lot of people don’t like that disruption,” Vance said of the tight vote.

“If you think about all of those bipartisan, massive votes, we have to ask ourselves, what did they get us?” Vance continued. “They got us a country where we fought many wars over the last 40 years, but haven’t won a war about as long as I’ve been alive.”

According to Vance, Hegseth’s primary task will be “to fix the problems at the Department of Defense,” including increasing recruitment and fixing an “incredibly broken” weapons procurement process. —>READ MORE HERE

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