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Ilhan Omar Is A Walking Case For Higher U.S. Citizenship Standards

After America-hating Congresswoman Ilhan Omar hosted workshops advising illegal immigrants on how to avoid being deported, Rep. Brandon Gill said what a lot of America-loving Americans were thinking. 

“America would be a better place if @IlhanMN were deported back to Somalia,” Gill, a first-term Texas Republican, wrote on X. 

Omar, a Minnesota leftist and member of the House’s America Last “Squad,” fired back, calling Gill “stupid” for thinking “a member of Congress can be deported.” 

“I had to crawl my way into Congress, and I think these idiots who buy their seats have no idea what a privilege it is to be a member of Congress and what it takes,” Omar told Politico. 

Taxpayer-subsidized Politico joined the chorus of corporate media outlets jumping to the Somalia native’s defense, helping to spread the lie that Gill’s post “called for the deportation” of the congresswoman. The same chorus that has vehemently criticized the Trump administration’s eye-opening audit of criminally wasteful spending in the federal government bemoaned Gill’s statements as the kind of “incivility that has gripped Congress,” as Omar was calling the Texas representative a “dumb-ss.”

‘Utterly Repugnant’

Gill called out Omar for apparently participating in a seminar advising Somali illegal immigrants on how to avoid Immigration and Customs Enforcement. 

“I advise the Somalian people that if ICE attempts to question you, you are not obligated to answer their questions. Just state that you are advised by a lawyer not to answer questions,” Omar urged in a now-viral video shared last week by Elon Musk. “Disclosure of your name, immigration status, and the mode of entry is not mandatory. Learn the laws and prepare yourself and refrain from disclosing information that you prefer them not to know.” 

In an X post, Musk accused Omar of “breaking the law. Literally. Outright.” The leftist representative claimed the video was edited and said she did not do anything wrong. 

In an interview with The Federalist, Gill said Omar’s conduct raises serious questions about where the congresswoman’s loyalty lies. 

“And her conduct and her rhetoric … she’s talked about being Somali first. She’s aiding and telling illegal aliens how to avoid our laws and our customs. That is utterly repugnant,” Gill said on the latest episode of The Federalist Radio Hour. “Her behavior indicates that she is more … loyal to illegal aliens than she is to American citizens and to this country.”

“We have to ask ourselves also, is American citizenship the most valuable thing in the world or is it not?” Gill continued. “We’ve allowed … in this instance, our legal immigration system to hand out citizenship to people who really have no business being here, who get an enormous amount of benefits from being in America — not only from their constitutionally protected rights here but also a enormous, oftentimes, welfare. And that’s a problem. … It does raise serious questions about our, about our immigration system. … This is something we should tackle over the next four years.” 

Gill is a sponsor of a bill that would effectively codify President Trump’s executive order limiting birthright citizenship, an order the illegal immigration-endorsing left immediately challenged in court. Gill recently joined 17 Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee, including Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, in an amicus brief defending Trump’s Executive Order 14160, “Protecting the Meaning and Value of American Citizenship.”

‘Some People Did Something’

Omar has a long history of anti-American and antisemitic rhetoric. That’s why she was booted from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The radical representative has compared Israel and the United States to Hamas and the Taliban. She shrugged off the Islamist terrorist attacks of 9/11 as a time when “some people did something.” The Minnesota Marxist called for the dismantling of what she and her ilk view as the “oppressive” U.S. economy. She made “stunningly anti-Semitic” comments asserting a pro-Israel organization was buying off U.S. politicians, tweeting, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby.” Following public pressure from her own party, Omar eventually apologized. She was forced to apologize in 2012 after tweeting, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” 

Axios and other leftist outlets blasted Gill for a petition his campaign sent out this week calling for Omar to be deported. 

“Friend, we should have never let Ilhan Omar into our country. And frankly, America would be a much better place if she were to be sent back to Somalia,” the petition states. It notes Omar’s workshops for illegal immigrants and questions the lawmaker’s loyalty to her adopted country. 

“A sitting Member of Congress is facilitating a full-scale invasion of our country … A normal society would refer to that as treason …” the document asserts. 

“I have had my fill of foreigners storming our border, complaining about and disparaging our country, and then helping more and more of them invade our lands … And I know the American people are too,” the petition closes, asking recipients to sign it and “send her back to Somalia where she belongs.” 

‘Damning Indictment’

The petition was more fundraising appeal than practical application. Gill acknowledged in the interview with The Federalist that Omar, as repugnant as her anti-American comments and conduct may be, is a naturalized U.S. citizen and “can’t be deported.” 

But he said he does find it “rich” that Omar would bluster about certain members of Congress buying their seats, particularly after revelations in recent weeks about the left’s “ecosystem and their influence and political life in America is based on taxpayer subsidies.” That includes the billions of dollars funneled through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a portion of which ultimately assisted Omar in coming to the United States, the country she seems to loathe as systemically racist and imperialistic.  

“We do have to ask the question of where would the left’s ideological movement be were it not for the … billions, if not hundreds of billions of dollars, being funneled into left-wing media, leftwing NGOs, and other left-wing advocacy groups that are doing everything from facilitating open borders to censoring American citizens. So I do think that that’s quite peculiar that she would take things that route,” Gill told The Federalist. 

“If you think about — whether it’s Congresswoman Omar or anybody else who clearly doesn’t have sincere allegiance to this country, it really is a damning indictment of our legal immigration system that we would allow someone who hates this country, hates its heritage, hates the principles upon which it was founded, to come into this country to begin with,” the congressman said. 

Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.

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