One Health: The New Godless Quasi-Religion that Ranks Humans Below Nature
A new, Godless, quasi-religion—One Health—is being thrust upon the world. Its apostles say it will save humanity, or rather, life itself. Allied with Marxism in its denigration of the “exploitive nature of capitalism” as is demonstrated in the green movement, it debases humankind by equating us with, even putting us below, all other life forms. Its principal church is the World Health Organization (WHO), so President Donald Trump’s threat to withdraw from the WHO—or gain American control over it—must be seen in the light of this globalist agenda.
The WHO has been promoting One Health—the mutualism of humans, animals, plants, and other aspects of the natural environment—and aims to implement it through a proposed pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
Once signed, the treaty and IHR amendments will be legally binding on the WHO’s 194 member nations. These nations will surrender their sovereignty over healthcare decisions and give the WHO unbridled power to accelerate the approval process for drugs and vaccines and end prohibitions against gain-of-function research. The treaty and IHR amendments will centralize power in the hands of the WHO, world leaders, NGOs, Big Pharma, and the globalist elite. Their pretext? Managing health emergencies, which they alone will have the power to declare.
Image by Thddbfk.CC BY-SA 4.0.
Not only will these steps enslave humans and rob them of individual rights using the fear of pandemics or similar emergencies, but they also amount to a tectonic paradigm shift, a movement away from a human-centered worldview to one that puts nature and the ecosystem above everything else.
Man will no longer be the pinnacle of God’s creation, existing in nature and using his capacity for understanding and innovation to thrive, aspire to the best in science and the arts, and pursue meaning and beauty. By promoting moral equivalence between man and nature in all its forms, the new quasi-religion diminishes the meaning of human life and punishes humankind for cultivating the environment for his benefit.
The logic is specious, and skeptics may easily unravel the motives behind it. After all, it is humans—albeit an elite few—who thought up One Health in the first place and insist that everyone (except the One Health creators) must submit to it. In the end, it’s about gaining power and control. By playing up the ultimate fear—the end of the world—and exploiting ordinary people’s zealous desire to make immense sacrifices to forestall doomsday, the globalist elite deviously aim to get what they want: profits for Big Pharma and other corporate entities they control. This is why One Health must be seen for what it is—a dangerous quasi-religion.
The big idea behind One Health—mutualism between humans and nature—is centuries old. However, it gained recent currency in 2004 at a symposium hosted by Rockefeller University. Representatives of the WHO, the U.N., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Wildlife Conservation Society, and several international agencies and NGOs attended.
The meeting produced the Manhattan Principles, which recommended a broader, “unitive” understanding of health and disease that acknowledged the interconnectivity of humans, flora, fauna, and the environment. The principles also recommended an “interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral” approach to “disease prevention, surveillance, monitoring, control and mitigation, as well as environmental conservation more broadly.”
How this could play out is seen in a June 2023 lawsuit brought by the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) against the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. It sought the removal of the zoo’s five aging elephants, which the NhRP says were “unlawfully confined” and suffering from “stress, physical disabilities, and brain damage.” This might seem ridiculous, and the Colorado Supreme Court did rule in favor of the zoo, but in a world bound by One Health, the felling of a tree may amount to murder, and that of a forest may amount to a massacre.
In 2010, the One Health Quadripartite—comprising the WHO, the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP)—was established to address risks inherent in the human-animal-ecosystem interface. This group has developed the One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA) to manage pandemics, climate change, healthcare, welfare, etc.
Thus, the dialectic of One Health is aligned with the U.N.’s Sustainability Development Goals. Together, the two programs work towards ending national sovereignty, personal freedom, the right to property, and the sanctity of the individual. Of course, there is a “collaborative relationship of organisms,” as One Health and the green movement maintain. But they take it further to extremes to insist that humans must “evolve” to alter their supremacist behavior, free themselves of the selfish idea of individualism, and begin to understand the “co-benefits, risks, trade-offs, and opportunities” available to “advance equitable and holistic solutions.”
Since then, this ideology has been integrated into the missions of the WHO, the elitist World Economic Forum (WEF), the U.N., the CDC, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the military. It has also been introduced in K-12 education and our universities, where it has gained thousands of proselytes.
A recent video titled A Radical Guide to Reality, produced by the Whole World View Project (WWVP) and promoted by the U.N., openly advocates mass hypnosis for wide acceptance of the elitist ideas on ordinary people surrendering control. Purporting to explore “the nature of reality and our interconnectedness,” it negates the idea that humans have “mind and consciousness.” Instead, it proclaims that the whole world is “mind and consciousness”—whatever that means! The implication: Surrender your individualism to the world-mind, that is, to the elite who dictate what reality really is.
Bruce Davidson, a humanities professor at Hokusei Gakuen University in Japan and a Brownstone Institute author, says One Health goes beyond health and environment policies and is an attempt to develop a “worldwide mass-mind.” This is particularly dangerous because, as he observes, “individualistic thinking” was demonstrated to be generally superior during the Covid-19 pandemic. Skeptics who questioned the narrative pushed by the elite and the governments they controlled and resisted the mandates were the ones with a greater chance of survival.
Another astute figure who saw the pandemic panic for what it was—a “pretext for clamping down with totalitarian controls” and “not being about public health“—was Robert Kennedy, Jr., whom President Trump chose to head the HHS. He says the intelligence community and the military were intimately involved in Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the public-private partnership set up to fight and control COVID-19 and develop tests and vaccines.
Real authority was not with officials from public health agencies such as NIH, CDC, and the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA). The initiative was led by the National Security Council (NSC) and the Pentagon. Kennedy contends that from the beginning, OWS was a military project that paid Pfizer and Moderna to promote COVID-19 shots and lend their imprimatur to the operation, providing camouflage and making massive profits.
Imagine that on a global scale and over a larger time frame, and you have the makings of an Orwellian dystopia built on fear, surveillance, surrender of individual rights, and ultimately, surrender of choice and free will, while the more equal elite and their apparatchiks revel in power and profit. All this will have been achieved by making people pious believers in a goal larger than themselves—saving the Earth—for which they would willingly sacrifice all their privileges as humans like the martyrs of long ago.
If such a dystopia is to be prevented and America’s Judeo-Christian spiritual foundation—of humankind being created in God’s image as the steward of the earth and its resources—is to be preserved, the underhanded dialectic of One Health must be countered. One way to do that might be for America to withdraw from the WHO and the U.N.