Jesus' Coming Back

Zelenskyy and the Future of NATO


Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s childish histrionics and ultimatums in the Oval Office directed at President Trump’s efforts to bring an end to the most devastating war on the continent of Europe since World War II are reflective of the European delusional mindset of self-serving expectations and perceived American obligations stemming from a one-sided seventy-five-year alliance — the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A treaty that evolved into the United States effectively taking upon itself the unappreciated role of military protector of nearly half of the European continent.

The major purpose of NATO was to deter an aggressive and despotic Soviet Union from attacking Western Europe and by extension the United States. That possibility ended in 1991 with the collapse and breakup of the Soviet Union. History has shown that once the stated purpose of a military alliance no longer exists that alliance must be disbanded, or it will assume other purposes that inevitably leads to conflicts.

The ruling classes in the United States and Western Europe, regardless of changing circumstances in Europe and incapable of restraining their infatuation with Euro-socialism, decided to avoid gradually turning over the defense of Europe to the Europeans. Instead, they opted to expand and redefine NATO while the United States would continue to provide virtually the entirety of the military umbrella protecting the continent.

The process of turning over the defense of Europe to the Europeans should have been initiated and accelerated in 1993 when the European Union and unified economic, social, and security policies came into being while Russia embarked on democratization. Instead, the 27 nations of the European Union, with a GDP second only to the United States, remained reliant on America and its massive defense commitments instead of spending their own money.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellites, the United States has spent over $1 Trillion in direct expenditures within NATO while also providing protection for vital sea lanes and a nuclear umbrella over the continent.

In order to keep NATO alive, the European and American ruling classes duplicitously continued to cast Russia as being the same threat as the old Soviet Union, thus, undermining the democratization efforts within Russia. An irrational fear of a nonexistent nation and its satellites was conferred upon its much smaller and far less formidable successor. The population of present-day Russia is 33% of that of the old Soviet Union and its satellites and the GDP of present-day Russia is effectively less than 30% of the old Soviet Union and its satellites.

The combined population of the European Union plus Great Britain (512 million) is 3.5 times larger than Russia (144 million) and their overall annual GDP of $20.4 Trillion is 10 times larger than the GDP of Russia ($2.0 Trillion). After the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Europeans were more than capable of defending themselves against a comparatively anemic and far less lethal Russia as exemplified by their ongoing inability to defeat a far smaller and weaker Ukraine.

Public domain$203 Billion, an amount that exceeds the annual GDP of seventy percent of the nations in the world. Further, only America and its chief adversary China ($267 Billion) spend more per year on their military budgets.

Through the end of December 2024 the European Union plus Great Britain have spent or committed to spend $100 Billion in Ukraine or half of what the taxpayers in the United States have been compelled to contribute.

Meanwhile the U.S. national debt is now $36.5 Trillion and is equivalent to 133% of the annual GDP ($27.7 Trillion) as America’s national debt exceeds its annual economic output.

By comparison, the national debt of the 27 countries in the European Union plus Great Britain is currently $18 Trillion, and their debt is equivalent to 90% of their annual GDP ($20.4 Trillion).

America’s role in NATO is the backdrop behind Zelenskyy’s histrionics and demands in the Oval Office meeting with President Trump. In reality, he is reflecting the mindset of the bulk of Europe’s ruling elites that the easily dupped Americans will always be there to defend and pay the bulk of the Alliance’s military spending — an outlook that for the past seventy-years has been embedded in the European psyche. The rush to praise and defend Zelenskyy’s words and actions confirms this inbred reality among Europe’s ruling class.

Thus, Zelenskyy, who is not a Euro-sophisticate, in his dealings with an American president determined to end the war, seek repayment for the monies forwarded by the American taxpayers, and refusal to commit to further American military involvement, became juvenilely unhinged as he insulted and confronted President Trump. The only difference between Zelenskyy and the sophisticated European elites is that the latter harbor the same disdain for the United States but do so in private or among themselves.

Donald Trump will ultimately succeed in ending the war in Ukraine, which has evolved into a World War I carnage-riddled stalemate. Trump should then announce that over the next four-years America will dramatically reduce its military footprint in Europe and phase out of NATO and the obligation to embroil itself in intra-European security squabbles. Thereafter, the United States would agree to be a partner in a new European defense alliance but limited to direct financial or military assistance only if a member nation suffers a direct invasion or attack by China or other non-European countries.

The nations of Western and Central Europe would, thus, have to form a new alliance among themselves to deal with Russian and European security matters, leaving America to focus on its ever-growing financial and domestic problems as well as the global threat of Communist China.

Due to China’s population, ideology, implacable nationalism, economy, and renewed manifest destiny motivated by retribution for Western-imposed subservience in the 19th and early 20th centuries, China is potentially the greatest external threat to the United States in its history.

The one-sided dependent relationship with Europe must end. The war in Ukraine and the words and actions of Zelensky, as endorsed by the European ruling class, has underscored the economic and geopolitical necessity of leaving Europe to essentially fend for itself.

Image: President of Ukraine

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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