Trump Is On The Verge Of Ending The EPA’s Tyranny

Trump’s EPA has started the process to rescind the EPA’s authority to regulate CO2 and other alleged greenhouse gasses. It would remake our nation and shake a Western civilization already being pummeled by green madness. These regulations, both here and abroad, have been stalking horses for socialism and vehicles for fraud. graft, and funding left-wing actors on a scale unseen in human history.
On the international stage, the move to declare CO2 a pollutant and man its evil cause agent began in the 1970s with the first communist billionaire in the west, Maurice Strong. In 1988, Strong was instrumental in creating the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC), an organization that had as its primary purpose proving that “human activities” were increasing CO2 and to plan reparations for poor nations caused by western polluters.
Until 2007, the US resisted the claim that CO2 was a pollutant that could be regulated to adjust the world’s climate. That year, five activist Supreme Court Justices donned white lab coats of climate scientists in Massachusetts v. EPA to hold that the Clean Air Act was written so broadly that it gave the EPA, created simply to clean up pollution, almost unlimited authority to regulate carbon dioxide, an essential, albeit minute, part of our atmosphere.
This judicial overreach mattered because even a super-majority of congressional Democrats had rejected a law that would have authorized the EPA to regulate CO2. Armed with this Supreme Court ruling, Obama’s EPA acted unilaterally in 2009 to declare CO2 a pollutant it could regulate. How’s that for spitting in the face of Art. 1, Section 1 of the Constitution, which holds that the power to legislate is vested solely in Congress?
Today, according to those steeped in the canard of global warming, we sit at the edge of climate catastrophe. The climate is warming at an unprecedented rate. Sea levels will rise to inundate the lands. Floods and hurricanes are increasing in number and severity.
Perhaps worst of all, the evil little troll, Greta Thunberg, is mad at us
That’s the narrative: We are in a climate crisis and humanity itself is in danger. The WEF tells us that the cost of failing to respond to climate change will bankrupt the world. The only solutions are to adopt socialism and transfer the wealth of the US to the UN, where it can be redistributed as a form of green reparations.
Except…all of that is hot garbage.
Climate science is little more than modern Lysenkoism. It has been subject to decades of gatekeeping in universities, grant-making entities, the UN, and science journals, all working together to suppress any challenges to “the anthropogenic climate change consensus.” All too often, “climate modeling has transformed from a scientific tool into a mechanism for manufacturing hysteria.”
The climate models used to forecast doom in the coming decades are a canard. They have uniformly and grossly overstated the actual warming trends.
Wait until Democrats find out climate models are the opposite of science.
The climate prediction models — which are basically astrology plus math — are the tentpole hoax of the climate debate.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) January 16, 2025
The temperature records have been reworked repeatedly over the past decades to create a warming trend far in excess of the raw historic data, and which data is, itself, questionable.
NOAA’s Homogenized Temperature Records: A Statistical House of Cards? | Charles Rotter, Watts Up With That
For years, climate scientists have assured us that NOAA’s homogenized temperature datasets—particularly the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)—are the gold…
— Owen Gregorian (@OwenGregorian) February 26, 2025
Many climate studies rely on questionable peer review as ostensible proof of their reliability rather than reproducing the studies.
Notably, there has been no increase in the number or severity of weather-related disasters for decades. The actual trendline, according to Roger Pielke, Jr., is completely flat.
[T]he completely false notion that global weather and climate disasters have increased and will continue to increase is commonly reported in the legacy media, buoyed by the promotion of false information by organizations that include the United Nations. In 2020 the U.N. claimed falsely of a “staggering rise in climate-related disasters over the last twenty years.”
Yet despite all of the above—much of it known for well over a decade—the climate change juggernaut has ignored it all and rolled on. The twin benefits to those pushing this canard are increased government power and access to almost limitless wealth.
Bill Nye went on CNN to claim wildfires in the Carolinas ‘didn’t use to be a thing’ before climate change.
The largest wildfire in the state’s history was in 1976.
5,000 wildfires occur in SC in a typical year.
Bill is just another lying radical climate activist.
— Daniel Turner (@DanielTurnerPTF) March 3, 2025
CO2 is involved in every act and aspect of life. Any government that can fully regulate CO2 has the power to control society in a way even George Orwell could not imagine.
As for profiteering, there can be no greater justification for transferring wealth than to avert an imminent world catastrophe. Bjorn Lomborg observes that across the Western world, “green campaigners are loudly calling for governments to spend up to 25% of our GDP, choking growth in the name of climate change.” To put that into perspective, the GDP of the US and Europe is roughly $34 trillion. It is the greatest gravy-train in history for government bureaucrats, universities, academics, and leftwing cronies positioned to profit from this madness.
At current levels alone, the massive push into green energy is coming at a very heavy price. Germany, but a decade ago one of the world’s manufacturing leaders, is now suffering from its war on fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Its energy prices are twice that of the US, putting Germany’s entire industrial base on the verge of collapse. The EU and UK, all similarly heavily invested in renewables, are likewise suffering high energy prices.
In the US, under Biden, we were on the same trajectory as Europe, but had not yet felt the extreme costs of the green policies. That said, if we do nothing, we will soon feel the pinch:
The projected costs to implement only a handful of President Biden’s most sweeping environmental regulations have reached an eye-popping figure: more than $845 billion.
That’s according to an analysis of new Environmental Protection Agency policies, such as electric vehicle mandates, from Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
The analysis concluded that the EPA rules to enforce Mr. Biden’s climate change agenda present “devastating” financial costs for consumers and businesses that outweigh the benefits.
As to the roughly $1 trillion authorized by Congress over the past four years of green projects, almost all have come to naught:
The money was authorized, but the projects didn’t come to completion. As Politico reported last month in an overview of Biden’s signature green energy infrastructure projects, “a $42 billion expansion of broadband internet service has yet to connect a single household… [A] $7.5 billion effort to install electric vehicle chargers from coast to coast has so far yielded just 47 stations in 15 states.”…Congress authorized more than $1 trillion in spending for Biden’s major climate, clean energy, and infrastructure programs, but more than half of it “has yet to be obligated or is not yet available for agencies to spend.”
[Biden’s administration] sent more than $3 billion to further fund California’s long-delayed high-speed rail system. The rail project was supposed to connect Los Angeles with San Francisco, but it’s currently years behind schedule and $100 billion over budget. … Biden threw billions at a worthless project, and America got nothing for it.
Moreover, after four years of Biden pushing green energy, the US is seeing its highest energy prices ever.
Space prevents me from discussing in detail the many other poisons that come with the climate change madness, but here are a few:
This should be the icon for Democrat waste, fraud, and corruption:
DOGE discovered $2 billion in taxpayer funds set aside for a fledgling nonprofit linked to . . . Georgia Democratic . . . Stacey Abrams.
The [Biden EPA] . . . awarded Power Forward Communities the grant in April…
— S David Sultzer (@s_sultzer) February 20, 2025
- Culturally, climate change is, as Michael Crichton stated, a modern pagan religion supplanting Judaism and Christianity. This neo-pagan religion, as Andrea Widburg opines, makes of each person his own God with power over life and death, and the earth itself. The existential ramification of neo-paganism is a cratering of families and birthrates.
Climate change madness is a canard that threatens the economy, culture, and governing systems of our nation, the trustworthiness of our science, and the Judeo-Christian values that have long been the West’s moral and ideological foundation.
Of all the beneficial things the Trump administration could do for the future of our nation, ending climate change madness—which is on the Trump agenda—will be among the most consequential. Once he achieves that, he then needs to proceed against climate madness on an international stage, at its black heart in the UN IPCC.