Jesus' Coming Back

Israeli Government Declares: ‘We Will Be Making A New Office To Facilitate To Mass Deportation Of Gazans. Trump Supports US.’


The Israeli government has announced that it will be establishing a new office to facilitate the deportation of Gazans. The Washington Post reports:

Israel will open an office under its Defense Ministry to manage the mass displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to other countries, far-right lawmakers said Sunday, as they pitched their mounting effort to depopulate the territory as being closely aligned with President Donald Trump’s own vision to “clean out” and redevelop the enclave.

At a public hearing on Sunday in Israel’s Knesset, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said the new “Emigration Authority” would be co-led by the Defense Ministry and the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It would receive enough funding to carry out what he envisions as a “massive logistical operation” to find destination countries that will accept and employ Palestinians from Gaza, he said.

More than 2 million people currently live inside the Strip. Smotrich, who visited Washington last week, said he spoke to U.S. officials who backed the plan.

“Various officials in the [Trump] administration told me again and again, ‘We will not allow 2 million Nazis to live just beyond the fence,’” he said, referring to Palestinians. “Not too long ago, it was taboo to speak about people leaving Gaza, but now the people who were crazy are the most realistic,” Smotrich added. “Not only is it realistic, but it’s the only plan that’s realistic.”

The genie is out of the lamp: we are entering an era of normalization for things like ethnic cleansing. Remember, before the Ottomans orchestrated their genocide of the Armenians, they at first said that they were merely going to deport the Armenians. What we are seeing is the foreshadowing of the holocaust of the Palestinians.

Israeli journalist Miron Rapoport wrote an article in which she documents the rhetoric calling for genocide that is growing within Israeli society. For example, Knesset Deputy Speaker Nissim Vaturi, recently said in regards to Gazans: “the children and women should be separated and the adults in Gaza should be killed.” Israeli attorney and political commentator, Kinneret Barashi, expressed her desire for genocide: “every trace of the murderous mutations in Gaza should be erased, from the delivery rooms to the last elderly person in Gaza. 100% destined to die in Gaza.” Israeli actor, Yiftach Klein, stated in an interview: “I don’t believe them (the Palestinians), I don’t believe in them and I don’t want to see them alive again, ever. Let them be sent behind the mountains of darkness, let them die there.” Israeli singer, Ofer Levy, expressed his desire to burn Gazans: “there would be no more prisoners. I would kill them all. And also burn them. Bring gasoline, give the order to pour it out and light it. Burn everything down to the last one, including everyone.”

Benny Morris, the most prominent historian on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, recently wrote an article warning of a future genocide of the Palestinians. He wrote: “the genocide may be in the offing. Israel may be on the way there, already deep in the loop that leads to mass murder, shaping the hearts and minds of the public.” Morris predicts that there will be an event that will spark this genocide of the Palestinians, and that the Israelis could even create death camps, and that the mass murder could look like the Armenian Genocide by the Ottomans:

But there will be an action that serves as the spark – a raid or raids on settlements that inflicts numerous casualties, the downing of an Israeli passenger jet, or jets, filled with Jews, the sinking of a cruise ship sailing from Haifa, the poisoning of water sources or release of poison gas into the air.

The trigger will come – and then the genocide will follow – with the indiscriminate flattening of cities from the air, without any attempt to distinguish between civilians and combatants, or with extermination camps. Maybe there will be a combination of expulsion (ethnic cleansing) and mass murder, as the Turks did to the Christian communities in Asia Minor between 1894-1924.

Genocide is always done under the pretext of war and self-defense. Israel will do the same sort of justification when it orchestrates its final solution of the Palestinians.


Jesus Christ is King

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