Jesus' Coming Back

Wasserman Schultz on Newsom Trans Remarks: ‘I’m Not Shrinking Away from This Issue’ that GOP ‘Manufactured’


On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) responded to California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) comments on biological men playing women’s sports by saying that “we have to stand on principle and make sure that everyone is treated equally. I’m not shrinking away from this issue. I’m leaning into the notion that those issues were something that Republicans manufactured, as if that was, like, where the number-one priority of Democrats was.”

Wasserman Schultz stated that “making sure that everyone is treated fairly and equally is a bedrock principle in the United States of America. And we shouldn’t be shying away from that. But, on the other hand, what we really need to focus on is affordability and how the economy is impacting and prices are impacting people at their kitchen table.”

She added, “I don’t shrink back from this issue to anyone. I’m a vice chair of the Equality Caucus in Congress and on the board of the Equality PAC. I have one of the largest LGBTQ+ populations in the country. So, we have to stand on principle and make sure that everyone is treated equally. I’m not shrinking away from this issue. I’m leaning into the notion that those issues were something that Republicans manufactured, as if that was, like, where the number-one priority of Democrats was.”

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