The Trump Admin And All Republican States Should Ditch The American Bar Association
On Thursday, President Trump issued an executive order that cut federal ties with the Spygate incubator and major Democrat law firm Perkins Coie. The president did so based on the firm’s partisan dishonesty, and because it openly discriminates based on sex and race.
This is a good legal basis for refusing to work with any company, and it should be extended to every legal entity in the country. Top of the list should be the American Bar Association, which also advocates for and engages in unlawful racial and sexual discrimination and is a highly partisan actor on behalf of the Democrat Party and other anti-Constitution activists.
The ABA deeply affects the U.S. lawyer pipeline and licensing system, accrediting law schools, rating judges, and weaponizing lawyer discipline. Its rabid leftism means the ABA systematically ratchets the entire U.S. legal system against the U.S. Constitution.
That’s an existential threat to the country, as most recently illustrated by the dozens of federal judges the ABA helped advance who hate our supreme law so much they rule that the elected executive cannot control the unelected executive branch. With judges like those the ABA advances, the United States will quickly discard what remnants of our constitutional order persist.
Not only the Trump administration, but all states where lawmakers still respect constitutional governance should act quickly to replace the ABA with legal institutions that adhere to the real, original Constitution in the plain meaning of its text. Americans cannot expect justice from our courts without this.
The American Bar Association Is A Leftist Legal Ratchet
Michael Fragoso, who worked as a Senate and White House legal liaison to the ABA, recently advocated for the Trump administration to stop using ABA to prescreen judicial nominees. He notes the activist organization has taken a partisan role in America’s legal system ever since it began evaluating judicial nominees in 1953. As Thomas Jipping highlighted in 2019, “multiple academic studies of the ABA ratings (examples here, here, here, and here) have found systematic bias against Republican nominees.”
“The ABA has always leaned left, but under the Biden administration, it completely abandoned its standards,” Fragoso says. “It rated as ‘qualified’ obviously unqualified nominees like Charnelle Bjelkengren, who proved unable at her confirmation hearing to tell Senator John Kennedy the purpose of Article V of the Constitution.”
In the 1980s Republicans began to suspect the ABA was leaking constitutional jurists’ names to feed “Borking” campaigns that ratcheted America’s judiciary against the Constitution. The George W. Bush, first Trump, and Biden administrations thus ended ABA pre-clearance for nominees, Fragoso says, but foolishly continued to let the ABA interview and testify about nominees.
“The ABA’s public actions grew increasingly partisan throughout the Biden presidency and now into the early days of Trump’s second term. The organization justified President Biden’s preposterous assertion that the Equal Rights Amendment had been ratified; claimed that bar associations have a First Amendment right to engage in racial discrimination; and sued President Trump for slashing USAID subsidies,” Fragoso notes.
By endorsing race and sex discrimination, presidents unilaterally changing the Constitution, and forbidding elected executive control of unelected executive bureaucrats, the ABA has disqualified itself as a legal organization or any kind of legitimate player in American public life. No elected official who has made a public vow to preserve and protect the Constitution should give this anti-American pressure organization the time of day.
The American Bar Association Works to Eradicate the Constitution
The U.S. Department of Education allows an arm of the ABA to accredit virtually all legal degree programs in the country. Nearly all state supreme courts require prospective lawyers to earn a degree from an ABA-accredited J.D. program to sit for the bar exam that determines if they can become a lawyer. This means the ABA has a virtual monopoly on entry to the legal profession.
It uses this monopoly to push far-left extremism and deprive Americans of lawyers and judges dedicated to the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps the most obvious example is in “diversity, equity, and inclusion” mandates.
As The Federalist reported last summer, the ABA now demands that all law schools teach DEI. Some, including Indiana University, replaced constitutional law courses with DEI courses to satisfy the ABA’s mandate: “A law school shall provide education to law students on bias, cross-cultural competency, and racism: (1) at the start of the program of legal education, and (2) at least once again before graduation.”
Under the Trump administration’s refusal to fund DEI-using universities, ABA temporarily suspended these mandates until August, but it cannot be trusted not to sneak them back in. After all, the ABA’s “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Center” responded to a Supreme Court ruling against racial preferences by encouraging employers to select job candidates based on race and sex, keep “anti-bias and diversity training,” use artificial intelligence to “automatically prioritize candidates from underrepresented groups in talent pools,” and to create internships only available to people who aren’t white and straight. It was this “center” that backed Joe Biden’s constitutionally unhinged attempt to pass a queer-feminist constitutional amendment by executive decree.
An entity corrupt enough to try to impose such unconstitutional and anti-American requirements on all who will affect American law needs to be dissolved, not merely forced to be sneakier about its hatred for America’s supreme law.
‘Leftist Law’ Means No Law at All
Leftists control most of the American legal system. Many metrics show this, such as that, just like the administrative state, lawyers are huge Democrat Party financiers, at both the federal and state levels.

Law faculty are among the farthest left of university departments, which is saying something since academia now runs on a spectrum of “socialist” to “communist.” The Stanford Law professor points out in the X thread below that the few “Republican” contributions below are likely to fake Republicans like Liz Cheney.
It’s important to understand that “leftist law” is a contradiction in terms. Leftism as a political theory fundamentally opposes the very concepts of justice and law (while using these words under different definitions to confuse and manipulate the simple).
Leftism’s dominating principle is power, not justice. This is why leftism demands DEI: it enforces a hierarchy of humans based on their governmentally assigned group identities rather than their individual equal natural rights that come from God and pre-exist any government.
Dethrone the American Bar Association, Stat
The United States cannot exist if our legal institutions are controlled by people who seek to destroy its founding and preserving principles. For the OG Constitution to survive, it needs a legal defense army. Dethroning the ABA is the place to start.
This part of Trump’s Thursday executive order will help: “The Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission shall review the practices of representative large, influential, or industry leading law firms for consistency with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, including whether large law firms: reserve certain positions, such as summer associate spots, for individuals of preferred races; promote individuals on a discriminatory basis; permit client access on a discriminatory basis; or provide access to events, trainings, or travel on a discriminatory basis.”
The Trump administration and state lawmakers can do more to box the ABA out of the legal profession. Trump’s education department should demand all DEI comes out of the ABA’s law school “standards” or they lose accreditation powers. States need to create an alternative accreditation agency run by lawyers who love the Constitution. Perhaps the Republican attorneys general who publicly opposed the ABA DEI mandates should put their heads together.
State legislatures need to demand that their law schools be accredited by an entity committed to constitutional jurisprudence. They also need to do an audit of their law schools and bar licensing requirements and require wholly pro-Constitution instruction and regulations. They should cut funds and associations with state ABA affiliates, and push state supreme courts to jettison the ABA from lawyer licensing and discipline.
We have to work fast to generate a new generation of lawyers and jurists who will carry on the legacies of great American jurists like Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito. Thomas and Alito, the oldest and best justices currently on the Supreme Court, should be able to retire knowing this country is safe in the hands of tens of thousands of lawyers who will also give their lives to preserve the Constitution.
That requires lots of hard work today on the Constitution’s behalf against enemies like law school faculties and the American Bar Association.