Jesus' Coming Back

Auditioning for the Part of Trump’s Worst Adversary


Shakespeare famously wrote, ‘All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; And one man in his time plays many parts’ in his celebrated play As You Like It.

The bard meant this as a metaphor for how people amend their manners based on their company. Little did Shakespeare know that his words would literally come true and elected officials would successfully deceive voters by becoming full-time performers.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is among the first to accomplish this. Someone in the Democrat party noticed her ‘talents’ and handed her a script, which she has followed till this day. She hasn’t accomplished much during her tenure in Congress. But in this age, records and ability are irrelevant; it’s the image, which in her case is carefully cultivated, that matters.

Sandy O’s popularity emanated from social media where she virtue-signals, falsifies, and occasionally displays self-deprecating humor. There are copious theatrics before the camera. She mustered tears to convey pain while visiting the U.S.-Mexico border and pretended to be handcuffed during a protest. The goal is to project an image of a compassionate liberal with a heart of gold.

She occasionally reveals her true colors. She attended the ostentatious MET Gala wearing a designer dress, and to avoid being branded insensitive, she had the words ‘Tax the Rich’ inscribed on the back of the dress.

But errors hardly matter; in 2024, she was elected for the third time in a district that voted for President Trump.

Her conduct causes her to earn both staunch supporters and detractors. The supporters boost her image. Her detractors also play an unintentional part in building her brand. It enables her to claim victimhood, i.e., they hate her because she’s fighting against misogyny, racism, xenophobia, etc. All of this has worked well for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Sandy O is among the few members of Congress to have national recognition, which is essential to ascend the political hierarchy. In the future, she could continue being a congresswoman and become House speaker. She could also run for senator, mayor, governor, or even president. She could quit politics and become an activist, which means heading a government-funded ‘non-profit’ that enables easy enrichment. Maybe she writes a book or hosts a podcast, or makes documentaries for Netflix, all of which are very lucrative.

Others have noticed AOC’s success and are attempting to emulate her. They are currently auditioning for the part of Trump’s worst hater.

In the past, this act helped the likes of Adam Schiff.

Schiff was among the foremost peddlers of the Trump-Russia hoax. There was nothing substantive in what Schiff presented; he just appeared at every forum and repeatedly made bogus claims without a shred of evidence. The ensuing infamy, achieved largely due to ridicule from Trump and his supporters enabled Schiff an easy promotion from congressman to senator.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a few others are hoping to emulate Schiff.

Sandy O skipped Trump’s inauguration claiming she doesn’t celebrate rapists. She should have been sued for her vicious lie. She also skipped Trump’s joint address to Congress. She even delivered her rebuttal to the address on Instagram, despite not being assigned for the task by her party. 

We now look at two other auditionees that are attempting to outdo AOC.

There’s Rep Al Green, with his ponytail and fancy walking stick, looking like he’s imitating De Niro’s Lucifer in Angel Heart (1987)

This septuagenarian congressman who represents south Houston, Texas is relatively unknown because he hasn’t achieved much during his 20 years in Congress.

Green filed articles of impeachment against President Trump in 2017, when James Comey was sacked. When that failed, he reintroduced articles of impeachment in 2019 because Trump taunted members of the Squad.

Green is an uncouth race-baiter of the Al Sharpton school. During the congressional hearing in 2019, Green asked the CEOs of investment banks to raise their hand rather than answer multiple baseless race-related questions.

Last month, Green claimed he intends to file articles of impeachment against Trump again for suggesting that the United States take over the Gaza Strip.

more well-known Al Green would have done this better.)

The next auditionee is Jasmine Crockett.

We know of duplicitous politicians such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama attempting what they think of as a black accent when they face a black audience. But they usually abandon the accent once they are off stage.

But Jasmine Crockett, Texas representative since 2022, has taken the faking of accents to a new level. She doesn’t just perform before a black crowd; she has developed an entirely new persona for her political career.

Crockett is estimated to be worth $9 million in 2025. She has a Bachelor of Arts in business administration and a postgraduate law degree. She was a member of the National Bar Association. Yet, she seems to have permanently adopted her version of a black accent and persona.

The following are some excerpts of Crockett’s reaction to President Trump’s address to Congress, which she delivered in a petulant and animated manner.

“Listen. He up there, he’s spewing all kinds of nonsense and bulls***. Let me just be real, and we weren’t gonna sit for that s***. We wouldn’t.”

“This is not America. This is a terrible nightmare. Somebody slap me and wake me the f— up because I’m ready to get on with it.”

“I would tell him to grow a spine and stop being Putin’s ho.” 

When asked by a journalist about Elon Musk, Crockett replied, “F— off.”

Internet sleuths found clips of Crockett speaking grammatically correct English sans expletives, and her manner was sober and pleasant.

This is an act by Crockett to deceive all into believing that she rose from the grassroots sections when, in reality, she is affluent and educated. AOC has also used the fake accent ploy a few times in the past.

The Democrats frequently claim that Trump has lowered the level of discourse in politics, but neither he nor any of his supporters in Congress have engaged in such rowdy behavior or uttered profanity in such a manner.

Green and Crockett’s election showed the devolution of the state of Texas, which was once considered a thoroughly red state.

Once again, like Schiff, Ocasio-Cortez, Green, and Crockett will do nothing to improve the lives of their constituents. They are just auditioning for a part of Trump’s worst hater, which will enable personal gain. They will be welcomed in various forums where they will feign righteous indignation, hoping it will result in a viral moment on social media.

Some may claim they suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, but even that seems unlikely. For this group, displaying Trump hatred is a ladder up the Democrat party hierarchy.

The only way to stop this abhorrent behavior is for voters to rethink what dictates their voting decision. Voters must focus on the record, i.e., actual work done rather than amateur theatrics. Publicity-hungry desperados such as AOC, Al Green, and Jasmine Crockett do not deserve a seat in Congress.

Congress is not a stage, and representatives are not players; what the public deserves are doers.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

American Thinker

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