Nolte: Dem Sen. Murphy Has Fling with Left-Wing Fake News Princess Tara McGowan

Three months after separating from his wife of 17 years, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) was seen stepping out with Fake News Princess Tara McGowan.
The 51-year-old Murphy and 39-year-old McGowan were “caught cuddling” last Monday at the Red Hen, a restaurant not far from Capitol Hill, per the New York Post.
McGowan divorced her husband, Democrat strategist Michael Halle, in 2024.
According to the Post, McGowan has used her platform to promote Murphy “for years”:
A self-described “childless woman voter,” McGowan has used her personal platform and position for years at the digital outlet to promote Murphy, retweeting his TV appearances and touting his “pro-democracy” stances and policy priorities on gun control, immigration and foreign relations.
“Beyond original newsletters, podcasts + social video series, COURIER’s new national vertical will publish video opinion pieces from prominent pro-democracy leaders fighting for our rights and freedoms, like this call from U.S. Senator @ChrisMurphyCT to ban assault weapons in [America],” she reposted one of the outlet’s X messages in November 2023, two months after her final divorce proceeding hearing.
“Republicans wanted — demanded — border legislation. Democrats, led by @ChrisMurphyCT, negotiated a bipartisan deal,” stated another Feb. 7, 2024, X post by Courier featuring a video interviewing Murphy.
Obviously, this has helped Murphy up his public profile, especially of late. Murphy has been one of administration’s most visible critics during Trump’s second term, a time when Democrats are flailing to find a foothold against the two-term president.
For her part, McGowan’s history involves all kinds of red flags: Her time with CBS News, dark money groups, and a full-blown fake news outlet.
Naturally, McGowan started her professional life in the regime media as a ““““journalist”””” for CBS News and 60 Minutes, covering, among other things, Barry Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. I’m sure her coverage was straight and true. From there, she moved into Democrat politics, including as a digital producer for Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.
She really hit her stride with the co-founding of ACRONYM, a non-profit dark money group backed by the Queen of Fake News Laurene Powell Jobs, where Obama’s former campaign manager, David Plouffe, serves on the board. ACRONYM is a DC-based digital media company only interested in “advancing progressive causes through innovative communications, advertising, and organizing programs.”
ACRONYM’s tentacles have spread far and wide. In 2019, ACRONYM’s software company, Shadow Inc., was responsible for the Democrats’ 2020 Iowa presidential caucus debacle.
Nothing, however, is as sinister as a $25 million ACRONYM offshoot called the Courier Newsroom.
In the best-selling investigative book Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruptions, Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow sounded the alarm about ACRONYM, Powell-Jobs, Courier Newsroom, and Tara McGowan four years ago:
Jobs also has funded ACRONYM, a Democratic technology venture, which pumped $25 million into Courier Newsroom, which claims to fund independent local newsrooms across the country. In reality, Courier is much more partisan. Bloomberg’s Joshua Green described Courier as “the Left’s plan to slip vote-swaying news into Facebook Feeds” under the guise of “hypertargeted hometown news.” Left-of-center media watchdog NewsGuard was even more cynical: “Courier and Acronym are exploiting the widespread loss of local journalism to create and disseminate something we really don’t need: hyperlocal partisan propaganda.”
They are right. The decline of print and independent media has created an opportunity for monied partisans to launder their political activism through established media brands. Courier seemingly shows how far that exploitation has gone.
In the book, Marlow writes, “This is all dirty. Perhaps it doesn’t violate the letter of the law, but it appears to me it violates the spirit of it.” He then called for an FEC investigation.
So what does it all mean…?
Well, per the New York Post, for years now, Sen. Murphy has been pimped and primed by McGowan and Powell Jobs’s dark money. And now that Democrats have found themselves in a wilderness called Reality where they are more unpopular than ever before (which is what happens when you queer little kids, allow mentally ill men in the girls’ locker room, and invite the unvetted Third World over an open border), Murphy and Tara McGowan have hooked up in more ways than one to present him as the leader of Resistance 2.0.
Three points…
The first is that Marlow is obviously correct. This whole thing stinks. Good grief, the Courier Newsroom is disguising leftist propaganda as news to avoid FEC disclosures and to dominate social media. Who do they think they are — CNN? Now that Republicans are in charge again, let’s hope the FEC gives this some attention.
Secondly, if Powell-Jobs is reduced to anointing Chris Murphy as Next In Line, that’s a sign of just how desperate Democrats are. As a national leader, as a movement leader, as a potential president, you either have it or you don’t — and Murphy doesn’t. He comes off like the principal in The Breakfast Club, a pasty and humorless, charisma-free scold.
If Chris “Hall Monitor” Murphy is your top recruit, you got yourselves a pretty weak bench.
Finally, reading about this spiderweb of super PACs and dark money groups, their off-shoots, and their “for profit” sides… It makes your head spin. But that’s the point — to make it so complicated, you can’t see the full picture. What’s more, it discourages you from wanting to see the whole picture. Marlow’s book took the time to connect the dots. DOGE is doing the same, which is why Democrats are terrorizing Tesla dealerships. DOGE is untangling the bureaucracy and pulling the fraud — almost all of which benefits Democrats and leftists — up by the root. When DOGE is done auditing the federal government, they should move over to the super PAC/non-profit/501 (c)(3) and 501 (c)(4) racket.
And it is a racket.
John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook.