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Revealed: Funding Apparatus Exposed for the Left’s Astroturfing of Congressional Town Halls


On Thursday’s “Alex Marlow Show,” Republican Liberty Caucus National Secretary Jessico Bowman talked about funding behind protests of members of Congress.

Bowman said that Indivisible’s Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg know how to get money from the government and brag about their ability to do so and people affiliated with Indivisible “go as if they’re grassroots” and pretend to be Republicans in order to pressure members of Congress and the Open Society website shows they get money from George Soros.

She further stated, “So, what they intend to do is, between March 15 and March 23, they’re going to show up in all the district offices, and, in advance, they’re trying to pressure both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to create town halls local to them, if they don’t create the town halls, they’ll create it for them. They’ll invite them to it…and if they don’t show up, then they’ll have a cardboard cutout or a clown or a chicken or something like that present in the room to basically mimic them and mock them for not showing up, basically shame them.”

“The Alex Marlow Show,” hosted by Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, is a weekday podcast produced by Breitbart News and Salem Podcast Network. You can subscribe to the podcast on YouTubeRumbleApple Podcasts, and Spotify.

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