Democrats Unmask Themselves
The Democrats stand primarily for their own personal power, prestige, and wealth. To maintain these, they’ve patched together a rogue’s gallery of supporters, forcing party leaders to navigate an array of contradictions. These incongruities between rhetoric and action blast torpedoes straight into their brand’s tattered remains. Four obvious contradictions were on full display this week.
Democrats claim to care about government workers, which is unsurprising since the bureaucracy is a core Democrat constituency. Many government agencies are manned almost exclusively by Democrats.
Because of this, the Democrat-media complex portrays these workers as selfless public servants while accusing the heartless Republicans of destroying lives. These raw emotional appeals are never balanced with any discussion on the existential debt bomb that is driving the government cuts, these workers’ bureaucratic resistance to a duly elected president, or the true villains who created a situation where cuts are an absolute necessity. The auto-penners who sat perched atop America for the last four years like vultures feasting on a carcass hold a healthy share of that blame.
Yet, at the time of writing, we stand on the brink of the Democrats shutting down the government and sending home every one of these government workers they claim to cherish. They will do it with a filibuster, setting another precedent that will bite them if the pendulum swings back.
This seemed inevitable ever since the president’s address to Congress, when Democrats were beaten like mad mules thanks to their foolish unwillingness to stand for Americans. They are desperate for anything they can claim as a win to their crazy base, no matter how pyrrhic.
“Send the bums home” is a bold strategy when the Corruptocrats are trying to convince the public that all government workers are essential. Chuck Schumer is playing a pair of twos and expecting the Republicans to fold. It’s not going to happen, and Republicans have no reason to negotiate when they are being threatened with a plastic water gun, especially when the Democrats are stepping so furiously on their own messaging rake.
The second core message Democrats assaulted this week was their lunatic argument that climate change is an existential threat. Tesla is the American company that has done more than any other in cutting greenhouse gases. It’s not even close, since the companies the Democrats laundered gold bars into in service to their climate religion imploded. In fact, Tesla is the only company that has created a profitable business model centered on electric vehicles. It’s everything Democrats claim to dream about.
So what did Democrats do? They reached into their usual Marxist bag of tricks and settled on political intimidation and violence as their preferred tools of choice, declaring war on Tesla. They attacked dealerships, defaced cars, and firebombed charging stations.
Clearly, even Democrats don’t believe their virtue-signaling nonsense that elevated climate change as the issue of the day. It brings back memories of Barack Obama being so concerned about oceans rising that he built a $12M mansion next to one.
With more Republicans now likely to buy Teslas, they will be doing more than Democrats to reduce greenhouse gases, which is par for the course.
In other news, the Democrats claim to stand for Israel and against antisemitism. How did they show that support this week? By rushing to turn a terrorist-supporting thug into a hero. If you listened to the Democrats all lining up to support Mahmoud Khalil, you’d think he was the combination of George Washington and Gandhi. Hey, he’s going to have a baby!
The reality is that he’s an evil man. He celebrates the October 7 atrocities, and his group has called for the eradication of Western civilization. His group also encourages violent extremists to fight the U.S. If Americans actually had the full picture of Khalil, this would be a 90-10 issue, with his only support coming from the terrorist-hugging Rashida Tlaib–Ilhan Omar wing of the country. No sane leader would keep such a hostile non-citizen around.
Fourteen Democrats wrote a letter demanding his release as Democrats compete to be his loudest defender. The irony-challenged Dems wrote that “universities through the country must protect their students from this vile assault on free thought and expression” in defense of a guy who is leading an assault on the free thought and expression of Jewish students. Democrats do love their shock troops.
This happened around the same time universities discovered they would face consequences for not protecting their students when Columbia lost $400 million in federal funding. The biggest question is why they had such obscene federal funding in the first place. Considering that universities are the incubator of anti-American evil, all taxpayer funding of universities, save the military academies, should end.
That batty bartender, AOC, was horrified that we could “disappear” a “legal US permanent resident without reason.” After all, he isn’t so awful as to be a Trump-supporter. That’s what passes for Democrat wisdom these days.
That tension in the party between their Jewish voters and their Jew-hating voters will worsen. It’s already driving their foreign policy agenda, as their constant betrayals of Israel under the auto-penners made clear.
Jewish voters who have traditionally voted for Democrats have been slowly moving toward Republicans, hitting record levels in 2024 since the message “vote for us so we can hate you better” has a rather limited appeal. That movement will pick up steam as the mask increasingly falls away.
Finally, we saw the ongoing contradiction in the Democrats’ argument that they are the defenders of women as they continue to champion men in women’s spaces. They are determined to continue their 20-80 crusade, convinced that the 80 percent will eventually rally to their cause. Not only are they determined to die on this hill, but they intend to silence anyone who opposes them wherever they have the power to do so. A robust debate isn’t your friend when your position is despised by anyone with even a smidgen of logic. That’s why Democrats in Maine censured Republican state representative Laurel Libby for her efforts to keep boys out of girls’ sports.
The week’s bizarre news was that all of Maine’s federal judges recused themselves from hearing Libby’s lawsuit. There is no apparent conflict of interest, so it appears that they don’t want to touch this issue. The lawsuit will now be heard in Rhode Island. Until Democrats bow to reality, they will fail to convince anyone that they stand for women instead of putting them at great risk from mentally ill men.
The Democrats are a party that values rhetoric over action, particularly when their actions consistently run counter to that rhetoric. This week, we saw the party of government champion shuttering the government, the party of climate doom actively attacking the most successful climate-conscious company, the party of faux tolerance championing a ruthless antisemite, and the party that pretends to be for women continuing its ruthless crusade against them.
When a political party goes insane, consistency of message becomes a casualty. The contradictions are causing the mask to slip off, revealing the maggots wiggling in the pile of dung underneath. That leaves Democrats’ hopes vested in the media helping them to make America blind again.
Fletch also writes Christian-based Y.A. fiction. You can check out his novels on Amazon.
Image: Chris Dodds via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.
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