Jesus' Coming Back

Maybe the Little Things and Little People Matter


On Friday night we took a Northern Lights Tour out of Fairbanks, Alaska, from 10 pm to 5 am, in a white Ford panel van on a snowy road into the wilderness. The Northern Lights were amazing, but didn’t really get started till 1 am. All of the five women on the tour went with someone. Three of the four men on the tour went solo. Here’s a photo from my smartphone:

Coming to Ourselves” waking from the dream of the long 20th century. She references a Substack piece “American Strong Gods, Trump and the end of the Long Twentieth Century” by N.S. Lyons. For the last century, the world has been “tied up in a regulatory, credential enforcing, bureaucratic state.” World War II was the excuse.

To prevent the resurgence of war, we were told we needed to do away with nationalism and religion and — really ultimately — the family and all natural connections.

And yet, women still like to go about in pairs when outside the house. And lower-class people still identify with their ethnic group, and the middle class still identifies with their nation, and the educated class identifies with the whole planet.

Meanwhile in the developed world, from the U.S. to China to South Korea, women aren’t having babies. Tech head Elon Musk does the math for South Korea: it’s scary. Our educated class leaders and their followers are all worried about defending illegal immigration, abortion, transgenders, defunding the police, and releasing criminal suspects on no-cash bail. Meanwhile women aren’t having babies.

What is going on, in this Houston We Have a Problem moment, when our best and brightest are all wound up in cult-like obsessions? It couldn’t be, could it, that cult leaders are typically so overwhelmed that they compensate with drugs? That’s what notorious “Holocaust revisionist” Darryl Cooper discussed on Joe Rogan last week: hello Jim Jones and Adolf Hitler:

Amphetamines when you get up barbiturates to go to sleep… I read a fair amount about the effects of long-term amphetamine use, the paranoia and mayhem that… can result.

By the way, Cooper told Rogan that he’s not a historian. “I’m a storyteller who uses historical stories to try to tell my stories.” But when he told Tucker Carlson that at dinner the night before doing the show Tucker told him that he would call Cooper a historian.

You can understand the outrage in the higher circles. Back in the day only the tippy-tops got to set the Narrative. Now the Tucker Carlsons and Megyn Kellys have broken free, and nobodies like Darryl Cooper are digging through the history books and doing podcasts without permission.

And Joe Rogan! How dare that foul-mouthed nobody interview the Elon Musks and the Marc Andreessens without the proper curation of regime philosophers like Margaret Brennan.

So I understand Cathy Young’s outrage about MAGA going off-message on Ukraine, or Matthew Omolesky’s outrage about the Trump Train trying to do a Nixon and divide Russia and China. Everything the noble Elves were taught at foreign policy school is blowing up, and unqualified Hobbits are daring to enter the conversation. Why, the guide on my Northern Lights tour dared to discuss the balance of power issue in the decision of Tsarist Russia to sell Alaska to the U.S. in 1867 rather than the global hegemon at the time, the British Empire. Who the heck does he think he is, talking about “balance of power” a hundred miles from Fairbanks in the middle of an Alaskan winter night?

As I review my pieces at American Thinker over the past months, there is really only one theme. What is happening and why, and what can we do about it. Is this really the end of the age of liberal hegemony? Can Trump and the ordinary middle class really go to battle against the educated class and win? Is the switch of the tech lords from Dems to GOP strategic or merely tactical, for the moment? Is the decline of mass media and the rise of independent media really the revolution we think it is? Will the woke world go quietly or will it return to send us all off to reeducation camp — or worse? Is the administrative and regulatory state really on death watch, or will it return to dominance?

We don’t know. But I think that it behooves us to wonder about little things like why women go out in pairs. Because little things often provide a clue to bigger things.

Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill blogs at The Commoner Manifesto and runs the go-to site on US government finances, Also get his American Manifesto and his Road to the Middle Class.

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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