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No Amount Of Crocodile Tears Can Erase Corporate Media’s Complicity In Covid Scandal


The New York Times turned to a popular strategy from the propaganda press playbook this week when it published what it wanted Americans to believe was a mea culpa declaring, “We Were Badly Misled About the Event That Changed Our Lives.”

There is no doubt that the chaos and tyranny that went down in 2020 “changed our lives.” People were denied the ability to grieve their dead, told not to celebrate holidays with family and friends, masked to give birth without the support of a spouse, ripped out of classrooms to stare at a screen, and segregated from society based on their jab status.

The outlet that fudged data about hospitalizations (one of the primary measures used by government officials to justify mass social control mechanisms), amplified Twitter’s censorship of The Federalist, encouraged firing babysitters over Covid jab disagreements, and called for forever lockdowns, however, was not merely “misled” when it flooded its pages with pandemic panic porn and propaganda. It was a willing accomplice in a corporate media-wide plot to run cover for bureaucrats’ tyrannical takeover of our cities, states, and country.

According to Zeynep Tufekci, the columnist running interference for NYT’s egregious Covid coverage, the blame for the articles that got it wrong lies largely with the scientists NYT reporters used to source them. Yet it’s outlets like the NYT that often rely on such one-sided sources to launder smear operations packaged as “news.”

This isn’t Tufekci’s first time attempting to absolve herself and media like the NYT of panic porn blame. In June 2024, when Fauci admitted there was no scientific evidence to support six feet of “social distancing,” Tufekci claimed the face of the American Covid response (who also happened to be the face of sacrilegious prayer candles) and other health bureaucrats bore the burden for destroying public trust.

Just days before NYT published its non-apology, The Federalist’s Joshua Monnington pointed out that the public health “experts” and government officials wanted Americans to believe a virus was “the only entity with any real agency during the pandemic years.”

“But Covid didn’t order lockdowns and issue stay-at-home orders,” he noted. “Covid didn’t mandate masks and vaccines. Covid didn’t close schools. Government officials did that, and, yes, they actually had agency and alternatives to Covid tyranny.”

Media also had agency, and they used it to lie and besmirch free-thinking Americans.

The press’s public smears and fake fact-checking campaigns about the Covid lab-leak theory fueled the biggest online censorship campaign this country has ever seen. Without corporate media articles casting doubt on Covid regime skeptics, such as Tufekci’s claims that Sen. Rand Paul’s Twitter objections to the masking narrative were “just plain wrong,” Big Tech would not have gotten very far.

Tufekci’s latest article begs Americans to have sympathy for a publication she claims was duped on the facts but ultimately proves her and NYT’s guilt.

More than a year after the initial Covid panic, Tufekci still called for security theater and social control mechanisms such as masking, even though evidence that it was ineffective at preventing transmission abounded.

Tufekci even went so far as to claim in July 2021 that any resistance to mass Covid shots, masking, and lockdown mandates was “American Dysfunction.”

“There’s plenty of precedent for mandating vaccines in health care, the military and schools, so it wouldn’t be some novel step to do so for one of the safest vaccines we’ve ever had,” she wrote, as word about the inefficacy and dangers of Covid jabs spread.

In March 2023, nearly two years after mass mask mandates ensued and more than 77 percent of Americans had already contracted the virus, Tufekci clung to the narrative that “science is clear that masks work.”

In August 2023, she hinted that in-person learning was unsafe for children because schools failed to ensure “air in classrooms was safer.”

To this day, Tufekci has spent a significant amount of time over the last five years fearmongering about what she believes to be the next pandemic and a measles outbreak that is “even scarier than it looks.”

Despite real journalists’ and Republican investigators’ diligence in digging up evidence of Covid corruption, there was never a proper reckoning for the pain and panic that defined that dark period in American history.

Now that a glimmer of accountability looms, the newsroom elites who have long prided themselves on being out of touch want back in the club with the millions of Americans they’ve spent years smearing and ostracizing for common-sense views by pretending they were just as in the dark as common folk. The NYT is even trying to use the same revisionist history campaign it ran about the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop with the hopes that they will earn Americans’ forgiveness without ever issuing an apology.

Corporate media aren’t sorry that they played a key role in covering up Covid corruption. They are sorry that they were caught in a web of lies that further threaten Americans’ trust in media.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on X @jordanboydtx.

The Federalist

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