Is Australia Set to Become a Security Threat for the United States?
There has been considerable debate about Trump’s plan to incorporate Greenland into the American “empire,” something which I think has great strategic and security advantages.
There has even been trolling, perhaps half serious, of Canada being absorbed as the 51st state of the U.S.
But so far nothing has been said about Australia, which is of even greater strategic defense interest to the United States than Greenland. Many Americans may think that there is no problem here as we have the AUKUS treaty for defense. However, in this brief note I would like to ignite a debate about Australia/U.S. relations, in the light of disturbing developments in Australia.
There are many inter-related issues here, so I will skate over them to give an overview. I am thus not concerned with rolling out supporting statistics here, rather than make an initial case that others can debate.
First, Australia has for some decades, perhaps since early 1980, been actively pursuing a policy of Asianization.
One part of this is about trade integration with Asia to ensure markets for its raw materials, as that is about all Australia has, having had its manufacturing base eliminated, more than perhaps any other Western country.
But Asianization goes further, and involves an explicit policy of ethno-racial demographic change, where the immigration intake is skewed towards, majority/Asian, now mainly Chinese and Indian, with Prime Minister Albanese having worked out a special labor immigration deal with the Indian government. Hence, one no longer sees, for example, white bus drivers or taxi drivers; all are Indian. Han Chinese flood the professions, so it is the Great Replacement from below and above.
This replacement of traditional white Australians by Asians gained momentum under the John Howard Liberal Party government (what passes for conservatives in the country), as detailed by P. Wilkinson, The Howard Legacy: Displacement of Traditional Australia from the Professional and Managerial Classes (2007), and has accelerated since then, with a steep turn taken by the Albanese socialist Labor government.
The Great Replacement is conducted through mass immigration as well as the deluge of overseas students, the highest per capita in the West. With a population of just 26.66 million (2023 figure), there were 1,018,799 international students enrolled at Australian universities in the year to 2024.
It is well-known that these are all backdoor migrants, with immigration laws being set up to allow permanent residency for such students, who never return to mainly China. And more than one million overseas migrants came to the country over just the period 2022-2024, with 2.46 million temporary visa holders as of September 2024, which is one of the highest net immigration rates relative to present population numbers in the West.
This influx of foreign students and migrants has generated an accommodation crisis, and a massive rise in property prices, making the once traditional Aussie dream of home ownership impossible for the youth of today, unless they are cashed up Chinese. Thus, tent cities have emerged, of people, mainly poor whites, who cannot get any accommodation at all. Welcome to the Third World.
It is significant for this paper that the Chinese proportion of the Australian population is rapidly increasing, and I do not trust the official statistics on this. For one thing, migrants from Britain and New Zealand, for example, may be Asians, and apart from that, after all the deceptions with the COVID plandemic, I do not trust government proclamations, full stop.
The story told by one’s eyes moving around cities like Sydney is that they are rapidly becoming Chinese; Sydney CBD is little Hong Kong. The main group of eight universities look majority Chinese.
Institutions like the universities, who have promoted Asianization for their own profits, and for vice chancellors to take home multi-million-dollar salaries, tell this tale, too.
Material at the economic site is very good on detailing the corruption. Some universities are 50 percent foreign students, mainly from communist China; tutorials are conducted in Mandarin, as there are no whites in the classes, including tutors. There are articles even in the mainstream press of cheating by mainly the Asians, Chinese and Indian, being done on an industrial scale. The universities really do not care, giving only lip service opposition. Full fee-paying students will get through, and there is an unspoken rule not to fail any of them; I know as I have been told this by tutors. These Asians do not go back to China but become the new professional class, as noted above, regardless of the merits of their degrees.
The problem here is that not only is China buying up much of the country, Australia always having a ‘dirty whore’ mentality, but Chinese influence is now powerful enough to have an electoral impact, and it is hypothesed that Chinese influence was one factor bringing down the former Liberal government in the last federal election, as the Morrison government had made meek criticisms of China. The colonials had to be taught a lesson by the new Asian masters, who dwell in the multicult pot.
The problem for the U.S. is that this Chinese influence in Australia is set to grow, and become a major political force. It will not be too many years before whites in Australia become a minority; Anglo Saxons who constituted 97 percent of the population at Federation in 1901, already are a minority.
China demands loyalty of all its diaspora, and when things move to a kinetic conflict, it will call all of its racial tribe in Australia to take a stand for the Fatherland of world Emperor Xi, ruler of all men.
That could raise security concerns for U.S. military infrastructure in Australia, such as the base at Pine Gap. This is an absolutely crucial aspect of U.S. nuclear defense. If Chinese power grows to such an extent that the bases are politically threated, the U.S. will face a security major issue.
It would have been preferable for Australia to become a state of the U.S., rather than a colony of communist China, allowing its people to be liberated from one of the most stiflingly oppressive woke cultures on the planet.
Thus, Australia’s lockdowns and denial of basic liberties under COVID attracted attention for U.S. commentators, who were amazed that COVID concentration camps were set up. Police viciously attacked even old ladies who dared to venture outdoors during lockdowns, and the State of Victoria had the longest lockdown in the West. But the majority cretins who would not know liberty if they tripped over it, voted the leftist Premier Daniel Andrews (equivalent of a state governor) back in! Same situation in Western Australia.
As far as free speech goes, Australia joins the U.K. in tyrannical internet censorship, as Elon Musk has recognized with his federal court case. Australia seeks to censor, not merely home content, but overseas sites as well.
Perhaps the real indication of just what a cesspool this country has become, is the ban on the humble machete in Victoria, with a two-year jail sentence for anyone having one without an exemption, but perhaps soon the entire country will follow if Victoria has its way, as the Victorian state government is lobbying for this.
Yes, a simple agricultural tool used for thousands of years, essential for firebreak clearing in hilly areas vulnerable to bushfires, where machinery cannot be used, gets banned because mainly African migrants have used these cheap weapons in home invasions and gang fights.
Yet the government never addresses the real problem of the African gangs, because that would mean dealing with the race and immigration issue, which it created and continues to fuel with runaway immigration of people who simply do not integrate, but bring their tribal antagonisms with them with their designer shoes and smart phones.
Instead, after the media whips up a scare campaign, the “solution” is rolled out of banning the tool, not the criminal.
The agenda, as is seen with Australian gun control, is to remove any reasonable weapon of self defense from citizens, so that they can be at the mercy of those who do not obey the law.
Likewise in the U.K., where we saw from the Southport protests, whites were imprisoned for social medias posts, while Muslims roamed the streets around mosques, armed with swords and machetes, with no Muslim getting arrested.
And what would one expect from governments which allowed, and still does, thousands of white British children to be groomed, raped, prostituted and in some cases murdered?
Elon Musk rightly described this as two-tier policing, and the same is true of cesspool Australia.
In summary, Australia is set to become a problem, morphing into an authoritarian anti-liberal state, defecting from the West. Everything that Vice President Vance said about Europe’s turning away from free speech and liberty, applies even more so to Australia.
While Americans may not see the country of much significance, that is mistaken, as Australia has a great strategic role in the Asian-Pacific, to combat communist China.
In the short term, Australia is of strategic interest for the United States.
Hence Americans need to look more closely at the state of tyranny in Australia before it becomes an even bigger problem than China’s potential for war against Taiwan.
Michael Dundee is a pseudonym of an Australian who is shy about identification, given his life in a tyrannical regime.
Grok, via X, AI-generated image.
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