Jesus' Coming Back

Johnson: 62% of Federal Injunctions in Last Century Handed Down Against Trump, 92% of Those by Dem-Appointed Judges

During this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) noted the high ratio of federal judge-issued injunctions against the Trump administration compared to other presidential administrations over the past 100 years.

According to the Lousiana Republican, a whopping 62% of the federal injunctions issued over the last century were against Trump, with 92% of those issued by Democrat-appointed judges.

“All right, Speaker, before you were the Speaker, you were considered to be an expert on the Constitution,” host Trey Gowdy said. “I guess you still are. You were somebody that your peers look to when there were constitutional questions, and there are some now. There’s talk about branch integrity, branch, equilibrium, executive overreach. I mean, group sued Obama and Biden, and now groups are taking this administration to court. So as a constitutional law expert, what are the limits on executive power, and is this tension we’re seeing really what our founders envisioned and built into the system?”

“I think it is to a certain degree, Trey,” Gowdy replied. “I mean, I think you have a separation of powers. We have checks and balances. We have three co-equal branches of government, and they’re supposed to sort of do this, this tug-of-war when you have difficult questions. But I do think that the line is being crossed right now. I mean, I used to litigate constitutional law cases, high-profile cases in the courts. I did it for 20 years, and I ran into activist judges all along the way. I would litigate religious liberty defense cases, for example, and I would run into a Clinton-appointed judge or an Obama-appointed judge. And, you know, I had a judge look one time look down his glasses at me and say, counselor, I know that’s what the Constitution says, but we’re doing something different.”

“So, you know, I never walked out of those courtrooms thinking that I could impeach those judges,” he continued. “I just got as quickly as I could to the appellate court to get them overturned. But something is happening right now, Trey, that I think we all have to acknowledge. You’ve got a lot of activist judges, probably more than ever, and we were looking at the statistics, and the White House has pointed this out, 62% for example, of the federal injunctions that have been handed down in the last century were handed down against President Trump, and 92% of those were done by partisan Democrat-appointed judges. So, something’s amiss. I think we’ve got to address it, and I’m looking forward to working with our good friend, Chairman Jim Jordan, in the House Judiciary Committee to sort through this and find out what the remedies are, to figure out how we can bring correction here because I think it’s important for our system of justice.”

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