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Nevada Investigating More Than 300 Potential Voter Fraud Cases

Nevada is investigating 303 voters who possibly attempted to “double vote” during Nevada’s 2024 general election, according to a new report from the state’s secretary of state office.

According to the Nevada secretary of state’s fourth quarterly report on election violation investigations and complaints, 303 persons attempted to “double vote,” which is a felony in Nevada. “Voters attempting to vote twice are caught before the second vote is counted,” the report states. Of the 303 instances, five cases were closed while 298 remain “open.”

During the June primary there were 68 “double vote” investigations, with nine cases referred for investigation, three cases closed, eight referred for prosecution and 48 that were closed with “no recommendation for criminal charges,” according to the report.

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According to the secretary’s office, double voting can occur, for example, if a “father and son with the same name who live in the same household both receive a ballot” and “the son votes in-person” while the father “mistakenly fills out his son’s ballot and mails it to his County Clerk or Registrar’s Office.” A clerk would then alert the secretary of state’s office to the possible double vote and an investigation would occur. Other cases, however, can be malicious in intent. For example, Craig Frank of Las Vegas was previously sentenced after pleading to “voting more than once at the same election” for voting twice in the 2016 general election.

“Ensuring the security of Nevada’s elections is one of the most serious responsibilities my office has, and we work tirelessly to maintain the high standards our voters deserve,” Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar said in a statement. “I’m proud of the investments the Secretary of State’s Office has made into protecting every level of the voting process, and steps we’ve taken to ensure Nevada’s voters can continue to be confident in the integrity of our elections.”

A previous quarterly report released in December said the state had 180 open cases of potential double voting with an additional two cases having been resolved with no violate found, as reported by The Federalist’s Breccan Thies. At the time of the third quartile report, there were 762 Election Integrity Violation Reports that were filed, though 515 cases were closed with no violation found while 243 remained open, according to Thies. Four cases were “found to be violative of election law,” according to Thies.

Nevada’s secretary of state office confirmed in a phone call to The Federalist that each quarterly report does not build upon the previous report.

Despite Aguilar’s insistence that Nevadans can be “confident in the integrity of our elections,” Chuck Muth, president of the Citizen Outreach Foundation, which runs the Pigpen Project, told The Federalist that these quarterly reports are “seriously lacking in transparency.”

“Nevadans need and deserve to know exactly what happened on each reported violation,” Muth said. “It’s not enough to simply say the reports were ‘closed.’ We need to know the details so we know what to look for to stop potential voting fraud in advance, not after the horse has already gotten out of the barn.”

Brianna Lyman is an elections correspondent at The Federalist. Brianna graduated from Fordham University with a degree in International Political Economy. Her work has been featured on Newsmax, Fox News, Fox Business and RealClearPolitics. Follow Brianna on X: @briannalyman2

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