Jesus' Coming Back

Washington Post Writer Shares Deep Compassion For Deported Shirtless Gang Members

Whenever Democrats wonder to themselves why their party is so unpopular with voters, they should immediately read the hysterical piece written this week by chief Washington Post nag Monica Hesse.

Hesse, the Post’s “gender” columnist, wrote Thursday on Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem’s recent visit to the “CECOT” confinement center in El Salvador. The whole article reads as if Hesse learned everything she knows about the Trump administration’s deportation operation by watching “nonbinary” high schoolers explain it on TikTok.

Noem posted a video on social media earlier this week that intended to deter more migrants from illegally entering the U.S. Against a backdrop of a jail cell filled with expelled migrants, many of them shirtless and baring clearly gang-related tattoos, she said, “Know that this facility is one of the tools in our toolkit that we will use if you commit crimes against the American people.”

The “inhumane” display was all too much for Hesse, especially the sight of men with their shirts off. “The standard-issue CECOT uniform apparently includes white T-shirts but, for this visit, dozens of prisoners were made to remove their shirts and present themselves, thin, bare-chested and stone-faced, for Noem’s inspection,” she wrote. “It wasn’t immediately clear, at least not to me, what the purpose was of the nudity.”

It was Hesse’s own observation in that same piece that the inmates “were crammed by the dozens into non-air-conditioned, multitiered cells,” but it was apparently a confounding mystery as to why some men might have taken their shirts off. Fascinating.

She was also upset that the cell bunks might not come equipped with mattresses, But that wasn’t the best part. That came when Hesse described her deep compassion for the detainees. She said “the nudity” and tattoos didn’t make them “look scary,” but instead, “It made them look vulnerable.” By contrast, Noem in front of the cells, appeared “lewd and predatory.”

I would pay a not small sum of money for Hesse to spend one night behind bars with those vulnerable men. She could even have a mattress to make her stay more comfortable.

In another fun part of Hesse’s piece, she bashed Noem for her choice of casual clothing — a long-sleeved shirt, drawstring pants, and hat — and, in earnest, credited Noem’s predecessor, Alejandro Mayorkas, for dressing more appropriately. “For a visit to a Texas detention facility in 2023, he wore a white button-down and belted khakis,” wrote Hesse. “It was the kind of nondescript outfit one wears when your goal is to convey that you are a serious government official who is more interested in the grave business at hand than in how you look conducting it.”

Under Mayorkas’s “serious” leadership, nearly 10 million migrants illegally entered the U.S., millions of which were permitted to indefinitely stay and provided taxpayer-funded food, housing, and cell phones. That steller record earned him a congressional impeachment, only the second time that’s happened in American history to a member of a president’s cabinet.

These are the heightened levels of equal parts dishonesty and delusion that animate the modern Democrat Party. The last president’s invitation to every impoverished foreigner to flood the country was a deadly policy. Americans literally died because of it. Normal people look at the mess and say: Please, somebody just fix it. Democrats and Hesse counter solutions by whining about clothes and air conditioning for gang members.

Bookmark Hesse’s piece, Democrats.

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