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American Thinker

American Thinker Posts

Never Again?

As memories fade and antisemitism rises, the promise of “Never Again” appears increasingly doubtful.Ten thousand antisemitic incidents have occurred in America since October 2023, a thought that horrified me when I began writing this…

The Swamp is Slowly Draining

With the fall of USAID and the rise of government audits of agencies like the Department of Defense and the Department of Education, it is clear that Trump—barely a month into retaking the Oval Office—is setting his sights on the Herculean…

The Soul of the Democrats

As Japan’s defeat during World War II became obvious, many of its soldiers performed harakiri -- a ritual suicide by disembowelment using a sword -- as an honorable alternative to surrendering. Perhaps one of the most notable moments of a…

Canada at the Crossroads

With Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau’s globalist policies, unchecked immigration, and high taxes threatening Canada’s sovereignty, the question arises: Is it time for Canada to bjoin the United States? For generations, Canadians have…

Democrats in the Wilderness

The Democrat party appears determined to spend the next 40 years wandering in the wilderness. There have been no fruitful reflections leading to productive responses to the drubbing Democrats took in the 2024 national elections. The few…

Naive Liberals

We do not live in an entirely peaceful or civilized world. Conservatives realize that fact and wish to prepare for the worst by strengthening our military, shoring up the value of our currency, and ensuring economic…

Guardians of Liberty: Trump and the Constitution

The United States was born not just in rebellion against a distant monarch, but in revolt against tyranny itself. The Founding Fathers put their lives, property, wealth, and honor on the line to establish a great nation based on…

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