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American Thinker
American Thinker Posts
America’s Unsolvable Spending Crisis: Brace for Impact
Last week brought another balance-the-budget charade to the American people, ending with another fiscal SNAFU – Situation Normal, All…yeah, you know. It’s a form of glorious national codependency where the American people blame…
Christmas in America
There’s no doubt that Christmas is, for America, the most thoroughly celebrated holiday of the year. We close our schools for a couple of weeks. We spend an astounding amount of money on gifts that we wrap with elaborate paper and ribbons…
When the Abyss Stares Back
In 1634 the Dutch became enamored of tulips. So much so that many neglected their ordinary affairs in order to pursue the tulip trade. Soon, tulip sales were posted on the Stock Exchange of Amsterdam. People bought tulip bulbs on credit…
It’s the Democrats’ Turn in the Wilderness
Just like the Israelites in the book of Exodus (shemōt), on November 6th, the Democrat party entered The Wilderness. What does this mean for the party, for its intended programs, and more importantly, its self-esteem and ability to restore…
The Seminal Event in the First Quarter of the 21st Century
Recently, I was asked what I thought was the seminal event in the first quarter of the 21st Century. The past twenty-five years, beginning in January of 2000, have been fraught with wars, terrorism, religious persecution, natural disasters,…
Understanding The Military Tech Behind This Weekend’s Blue-On-Blue Incident
The United States has arguably the best and most experienced combat air forces on the planet. The US has four of them, in fact: The US Air Force, as well as air forces serving the Army, the Navy and the Marine Corps. The US Navy also…
Can Trump Enact Management by Destruction?
What do capitalism, socialism and democracy all have in common? According to Joseph Schumpeter, one of the most prominent 20th century Austrian economists of his time, they all benefitted to a degree from what he termed "creative…
Are Liberal Women Suffering From Preference Falsification?
Why are so many college girls identifying as anything but women? Why was everyone embarrassed by Donald Trump’s mean tweets? Why did the actors in the Harry Potter movies all shun author JK Rowling when she came out against men in the…
Our National Near-Death Experience
America is just coming-to after a near-death experience. We came within a hair’s breadth of ceasing to be America. If November 5th hadn’t been so decisive, we’d still be counting (and manufacturing) votes. If Trump hadn’t been so…
Democrats Don’t Transfer Power Peacefully
After the inauguration of President George W. Bush on January 20, 2001, many new White House aides excitedly showed up for work the next day only to find their office spaces vandalized and trashed. Phone cords were ripped…