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American Thinker
American Thinker Posts
Migration, Conquest, and Exodus
<img alt="Karl Bryullov, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons" captext="Public domain" src="">Image: Sack of Rome by Karl Bryullov, Public Domain. The…
The CDC’s Big Mistake
President Trump’s first week in office included an order suspending all CDC, HHS, and NIH communications: regulations, announcements, reports, advisories, updates, and online posts. This aligns with pruning federal…
Tech Titans and the Rise of the Surveillance State
In December 2024, Congress quietly extended Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) for two more years. Tucked into the National Defense Authorization Act, this extension renews controversial powers…
How American Education Promotes Sloth
President Trump’s plan to reindustrialize American will invariably focus on education. After all, it is impossible to imagine building things with an innumerate and illiterate workforce. Equally predictably, this reinvigorated focus will be…
Migration Policy Finally Appears in the U.S.
Under President Trump, the United States has made further progress in securing citizen safety.However, for some individuals, opposing the current administration's policies takes precedence over acknowledging their legitimacy.Democrats panic…
The “Spiro Agnew Standard” in the Age of Biden
Born in 1918, Spiro Agnew was the first-generation progeny of Greek immigrants in Baltimore. Agnew served in WWII, and won a Bronze Star for his service. After the war Spiro obtained a law degree, and dabbled in politics after being head of…
Trump vs. the Democrat Establishment
President Trump has been the target of numerous 'protests' since the day he descended the escalator at Trump Tower to declare his foray into politics. The 'protests' were so widespread that Wikipedia dedicated an entire page to the…
When Words Ignite
It’s been said that we don’t change until the pain of change becomes less than the pain of not changing. Some folks may be approaching that point through their rhetoric and actions.One such person is Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY). At a…
When Tyrants Hijack Human Rights
One can’t help but see the grim irony in a United Nations event on human rights being held in Hangzhou, a major Chinese city known for its technological hubs, co-hosted by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Perhaps the invitations were…
When Democrats Were Called Fascists: Corporate Socialism and Roosevelt’s New Deal
The presidential election of 1932 was about Wall Street selecting a candidate willing to implement actual fascist plans in America. Unlike the Democratic party candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt, Republican party candidate Herbert Hoover…