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American Thinker

American Thinker Posts

Epic Failures of Incompetent Leaders

The crisis of leadership unfolding in California is not an anomaly. It is part of the American cultural shift that prioritizes “safe spaces” and feelings over reality and functionality. The slow slide into incompetence that has cost…

January 20 – A New Independence Day

Independence Day, observed annually on July 4, is a national holiday that honors the ratification of the Declaration of Independence. This pivotal document marked the founding of the United States of America and its liberation from British…

The Environmentalist War on California

Misguided environmentalist policies were major contributors to the California fires. The first policy led to a self-inflicted shortage of water, the second policy led to the buildup of tinder in California’s forest, the third to the large…

Renaming the GOP, Too

President-Elect Trump recently announced his intention to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the “Gulf of America.” Why not consider another name change? The Republican Party was founded in 1854 and derived its name from the…

The Climate Hoax

When will America realize that climate change is a hoax?By “climate change,” I mean the idea of an overwhelmingly anthropogenic and sudden rise in the Earth’s temperature to catastrophic levels. I have not seen convincing proof…

Wildfires in the Autumn of the Educated Class

In the words of the current meme, nothing changes until a “preference cascade,” the moment when “everybody” changes their mind.Is the current moment of wildfires devastating tony Pacific Palisades such a moment? Nobody knows. Such a moment…

California Takes on the Insurance Industry

With the California fires, consumer advocates have redoubled their atacks on the "greedy" insurance companies. California congressman John Garamende said from his eight-year experience as insurance commissioner that the insurance…

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