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American Thinker

American Thinker Posts

Trump and the Art of Political Warfare

Over the past thirty-five years the conventional wisdom has been that the Marxist-inspired American Left are superior tacticians in the arena of political warfare and were thereby the entrenched power-brokers in Washington D.C. This…

Can Trump Make Europe Relevant Again?

Francis Fukuyama’s 1989 essay, “The End of History?” posited that liberal democracy had triumphed as the ultimate form of government, marking an endpoint in humanity’s ideological evolution. While Fukuyama’s thesis captured the optimism of…

Why Ukraine Is Cautious

By now, it seems that almost every global citizen has absorbed a prevailing belief: if Donald Trump had been president, Russia would never have invaded Ukraine. This idea permeates discussions about the ongoing war, framing Trump…

A Possible End to the War in Ukraine

Amid the incredible informational noise, a grand project is emerging, in which Ukraine and the United States are supposed to sign a mysterious contract for about $500 billion for an unknown duration and under unknown…

The Cultural Cycle Is Upon Us Again

“May you live in interesting times.”— Ancient Chinese proverb What is happening right now? Why are we dismantling or reconfiguring governmental institutions at a pace not seen in 80 to 90 years? All of this is actually quite normal. The…

Far-Right Menace: The End of the World as They Know It

With the notorious “far-right” Alternative für Deutschland winning 20.7 percent of the vote in the German elections -- up from 10.4 percent in 2021 -- and becoming the number two party, it is clearly the end of the world as we know it. But…

Shepherds of the Church: Why the Double Standard?

Within days of Donald Trump’s November landslide, Bishop Mark Seitz, head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ migration committee, warned that Their Eminences were preparing to “’raise our voice loudly’” if Trump’s…

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