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All conservative, all American…. news you want in one place.

Trump’s Evolution

Recently, I communicated thoughts to a friend on the evolution of Trump and dealing with “Berkeley Liberals”The Achilles heel for the left is their inability to separate policies from personalities. The Left loved Trump when he was a New…

Fight Gender Ideology, and You Go to War

Keeping a promise he made after winning the 2024 presidential election to end transgender ideology in public education, Trump signed an executive order on Monday after the inaugural ceremony. The order rescinded all U.S.…

Senators: Don’t Be Colombia

It’s amazing what getting sabotaged, impeached, investigated, indicted, and shot at can do for a president’s attitude. You just stop caring what people who stand in your way think. Especially when they try to block your most dear issues --…

Conservative Publishing is Making a Comeback

Last year, I reached out to dozens of agents in an attempt to write an article that would give conservative writers the information needed to query the best contacts in the publishing industry. I received just two responses,…

Trump is not a Fascist

I am not a fan of Donald Trump. In fact, I often find myself rolling my eyes and cringing when he speaks. I am appalled by his blatant narcissism. I believe that he has been unethical, at least, in some of his past business dealings. And…

Democrats for Infanticide

The U.S. Senate took up S.6, the “Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act.” The vote was 52-47, a majority but not the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster. So, the bill failed.The Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act required that if a baby is…

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