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Defense One

Is bad data to blame for missing weapons parts?

Virtually all of the Army’s weapons are affected by delayed or backordered parts—and mismatched computer systems are largely to blame. And it’s only been a month since a new digital tool has started to replicate that. “Our supply chain…

China’s plan to rule the heavens

The race to return to the Moon and push beyond has entered a new, more intense phase. While Elon Musk and NASA have been arguing over whether to go to the Moon or Mars, China's recently published space-sciences plan declares its intent to…

New strategy aims to get 80% of Navy ships deployable

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti set a goal for the Navy last fall that she conceded might be a little aspirational: to have 80 percent of the Navy’s fleet ready to deploy at any given time by 2027.Monday, Naval Sea Systems…

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