Jesus' Coming Back

Reality sets in for Trump on Iran, Korea

Share on facebook Share on twitter U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un sign documents that acknowledge the progress of the talks and pledge to keep momentum going, after their summit at the Capella Hotel on…

What A Credible Rape Allegation Looks Like

The buzzphrase of the week seems to be "credibly accused." The Left says that Brett Kavanaugh has been "credibly accused" of sexual assault. The term is littered all over Twitter, where liberals have unanimously declared Christine Ford's…

GOOD: Trump Administration To Slash Refugee Cap

The Trump administration will admit no more than 30,000 refugees to the U.S. in the coming year, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, down from the current cap of 45,000. Pompeo announced the lowered ceiling during a press conference…

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