Impersonators are great at entertaining, but one man apparently impersonates Kim Jong-un a little too well. His uncanny resemblance to the North Koran leader led to him being detained and questioned at Singapore’s Changi Airport. Read…
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Lionel Messi and Netta Barzilai. (photo credit: REUTERS)
Could the Eurovision song contest go the route of the Argentina-Israel soccer match?As Israelis are still reeling from news of the…
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Latvia's Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics speaks during an interview in Riga, Latvia May 23, 2018. Picture taken May 23, 2018. (photo credit: REUTERS/INTS KALNINS)
Israel responded…
Republicans left a meeting Wednesday night in Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) office without an immigration deal ahead of what is expected to be a tense conference discussion on the topic Thursday.
Lawmakers leaving the meeting said they…
The Ecuadorean woman had two paths toward gaining legal status after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border several years ago, but with deportation looming, her time was running out.
In the past, her attorney, Iris Ramos, said she would have…
Senior Justice Department officials announced late Thursday criminal charges against Senate Intelligence Committee’s long-time director of security James Wolfe.
The indictment charges Wolfe with making false statements to the FBI and…
Police Donate House, Food to Homeless Family Living in Car
Police in Opa-locka, Fla., discovered a family of six living in a car and responded, not with criticism, but with a fundraiser to get the family a home, car, food and…
Scripture Affirmed: 90 Percent Of Animals Formed Recently Alongside Humans, New Study Shows
A new genetic study showing that 90 percent of animals appeared on the Earth simultaneously and at the same time as humans affirms the…