Jesus' Coming Back

Ministers approve Supreme Court override bill

Share on facebook Share on twitter Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon responds to Ministers approval of Supreme Court override bill, May 6, 2018 (Arik Bender/Maariv) Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon responds to Ministers approval of…

Hezbollah strong-arms Lebanese elections

Share on facebook Share on twitter Supporters of Lebanon's Hezbollah protest in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon. (photo credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS) Hezbollah, with its armed militants and Iranian-aligned leadership, is…

We Need a National Injunction-Review Law

Abuse of nationwide injunctions by #Resistance judges upends the separation of powers The issuance by a federal district-court judge in the District of Columbia of an injunction against the Trump administration’s attempt to end the DACA…

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