The craze for the latest Apple iPhone X has swept Moscow, where residents began queuing days before the new gadget went on sale. Places in the long queue were selling for more than the phone itself, and traffic was reportedly disrupted.…
Our immigration system needs to take Islam into account, to distinguish pro-American Muslims from sharia supremacists.
To the surprise of exactly no one, it turns out that the Uzbek-born jihadist who murdered eight people on the streets…
An employee at Twitter deleted President Donald Trump’s personal Twitter account on their last day at the company.
Early Thursday night, President Donald Trump’s personal Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump, was seemingly removed from…
Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty
by Kristina Wong2 Nov 20170
2 Nov, 20172 Nov, 2017
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner has turned over documents to special counsel Robert Mueller in recent weeks, and investigators have begun asking in witness…
United States (Mission Network News) – Beth and Harold Schnyders have adopted six children over the last 17 years. Their oldest is 17 years old. The youngest is eight months. We got in contact with the Schnyders through Bethany Christian…
Just days after the Mueller investigation came up short on Kremlin involvement in the US presidential election, a source in the Department of Justice says the names of the Russians who hacked the DNC computers are known, according to The…
The Tokyo Metropolitan Police have created a specialized, all-female unit to guard US First Lady Melania Trump and her daughter-in-law Ivanka during their visit to Japan. Read Full Article at
Energy Secretary Rick Perry was touting the Trump administration’s energy policy when he shone a light in an unusual direction, implying that expanding exports of fossil fuels is “going to play a positive role” in preventing sexual…