Jesus' Coming Back

US learned nothing from Iraq war – Ron Paul

The US must learn from its mistakes and stop interfering in the Middle East, former US congressman Ron Paul has told RT America’s Ed Schultz. He said the US military had no more right to be in Syria than it had in Iraq. Read Full Article…

Too Late, Germany Realizes Its Mistake

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's disastrous decision to throw open an essentially defenseless western Europe to hordes of military-age males from the Islamic ummah will go down in history as one of Christendom's greatest blunders, either…

Police: Reported 6th Explosion is Not a Bomb

Police in Austin, Texas, are now saying that the reported sixth explosion is not a bomb. Police tweeted the reported incident was actually an incendiary device and does not appear to be connected to the five previous package bomb explosions…

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