Jesus' Coming Back

5 Encouraging Reminders for the Pro-Life Movement

Despite Planned Parenthood’s oft-repeated claim that it offers “comprehensive health services,” its own just-released annual report reveals what a big, fat lie this is. Their own statistics reveal a steep decline in positive services—such…

Boring Man’s Preferred Pronouns ‘He,’ ‘Him’

MANCHESTER, NH—Local insufferable bore Mike Rountree prefers to be referred to by the pronouns “he” and “him,” hopelessly matching his assigned sex, uninterested sources confirmed Thursday. “There are literally dozens of pronouns to choose…

1,800-Year-Old Roman Mosaic is Discovered in Israel

1,800-Year-Old Roman Mosaic is Discovered in Israel Israeli archaeologists have discovered a rare 1,800-year-old Roman mosaic in the Caesarea National Park. The mosaic dates to between the second and third centuries A.D. Another…

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