Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies have been failing to return to all-time highs after the correction that wiped out almost half of the market’s value. Read Full Article at
Rather than increasing the pay of female staff the BBC has decided to slash the salaries of the top male earners, in a belated attempt to tackle the broadcaster’s gender pay gap crisis. Read Full Article at
Men in France could be fined €350 (US$435) if they follow women in the street, whistle at them, make loud comments about their appearance or ask for their phone numbers, according to a draft proposal to combat “sexual contempt.” Read Full…
A White House immigration framework set to be introduced next week includes a path to citizenship for roughly 1.8 million younger illegal immigrants, a top administration official said Thursday.
The plan outlines the Trump…
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said Thursday he opposes granting amnesty for anyone who entered the country illegally, even as President Trump is suggesting he was willing to pursue the option.
“I do not believe we should be granting a path to…
AFP/Brendan Smialowski
by John Binder25 Jan 2018Washington, D.C.0
25 Jan, 2018 25 Jan, 2018
A White House expansive amnesty plan crafted by top administration officials is the “beginning of the end” of a Republican majority in the…
(World Watch Monitor) — A Pakistani Christian, who fell ill after inhaling poisonous gases at work, died on Saturday (Jan. 20) after three days on a life-support machine.
Shahzad Masih, 24, who leaves a wife and two young children, worked…
Chip Somodevilla / Getty
by Joel B. Pollak25 Jan 20180
25 Jan, 2018 25 Jan, 2018
Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) emphatically rejected the White House’s proposed terms for a deal to legalize the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)…
LANSING, Mich. — A former gymnast who had been sexually abused by sports doctor Larry Nassar when she was 15 presented the gospel on Wednesday in delivering her victim impact statement in court.
Rachael Denhollander was the first woman to…
This week, illegal aliens stormed Capitol Hill and demanded that Congress legalize President Barack Obama’s unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, as well as the broader “Dream Act.”
They were outraged that…