Major Investigative Report Finds: ‘By 2080, Italians Will Be A Minority In Their Own Country As…
It is a known fact that there are many issues connected to the “refugee crisis.” One of these is the concern that the increase in people from foreign nations may eclipse the people who live in Europe. According to a report by GEFIRA, the…
WH Spox Hogan Gidley Slams Graham-Durbin Amnesty Plan — ‘They Want Open Borders’
by John Binder22 Jan 2018Washington, D.C.0
22 Jan, 2018 22 Jan, 2018
In an appearance on CNN’s “The Lead,” White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley slammed Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Sen. Dick Durbin (R-IL) for their insistence that…
The Swiss Government Wants To Deport Former Muslim Who Converted To Christianity Back To…
By Walid Shoebat
This is the problem with the obsession with immigration. This is the kind of abuses that take place when you have a ruthless immigration system. The Swiss government may deport a former Muslim who converted to Christianity…
Trump Declares Jan. 22 ‘National Sanctity of Human Life Day’ to Coincide With 45th Year Since Roe v.…
WASHINGTON — President Trump has declared Jan. 22 “National Sanctity of Human Life Day” to coincide with the 45th year since Roe v. Wade was issued, a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court that has resulted in the deaths of 60 million…
The State Department Spends $600,0000 For Study That Says That Being Heterosexual Could Make You…
By Walid Shoebat
The State Department announced a $600,000 expense for a study that says that being heterosexual (that is, not a pervert sodomite), could make you into an Islamic terrorist. As we read in a report from Fox News (thanks to,…
Man Who Absolutely Trashed Obama For Eight Years Calls For Utmost Respect For President Trump
JEFFERSON CITY, MO—Local Trump supporter Trevor Jacobs absolutely brutalized President Obama for the full length of both the former president’s terms in office, but is now calling for all Americans to unite and show respect for their…
Franklin Graham declares: “Trump defends the Christian faith more than any president in my…
By Walid Shoebat
Franklin Graham just recently declared that Trump “defends the Christian faith more than any president in my lifetime.” What do you think? Do you believe he is correct?
According to one report from CNS news:
Commenting on…
‘We Are Outraged:’ Illegal Alien Activists Turn on Democrats After Amnesty-or-Shutdown Fail
Illegal alien activists say they are “outraged” after Senate Democrats did not leave the federal government shut down in order to force a deal whereby millions of illegal aliens are given amnesty at the expense of American citizens.
In a…
Muslim Sex Traffickers Kidnap The Daughters Of Christian Pastors And Sell Them At A Higher Price…
By Walid Shoebat
Muslim sex traffickers have been kidnapping the daughters of Christian pastors and selling them a prices higher than those put on non-Christian girls, because the demand for Christian girls are an extremely high demand. It…