A serial rapist who taunted his victims and their families during a sex-assault spree along the M25 motorway could be released from jail when his case comes before a parole board. Read Full Article at RT.com
Only Nixon could go to China and it may be that only Trump can get immigration reform done.
There have been several attempts at immigration reform over the past two decades. George W. Bush tried to pass a comprehensive immigration bill…
The Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund circulated a memo on Monday calling illegal immigrants brought here at a young age — so-called “Dreamers” — a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”…
CHICAGO — The president and COO of Moody Bible Institute have submitted their resignations amid controversy over the direction of the historic institution, and in light of the board’s “unanimous decision” for “new leadership.”
The board of…
President Donald Trump has effectively endorsed the House GOP’s immigration reform bill, just one day after he invited Democrats and Republicans from both the House and Senate to negotiate a deal.
The White House statement said:
A new report suggests that President Donald Trump’s national security advisor H.R. McMaster is rushing to save the deeply flawed nuclear Iran deal, which was seen as a hallmark of former President Obama’s legacy, ahead of Friday’s deadline…
Bajrang Dal is a major Hindu terrorist group with a long history of violence against Christians in India. Founded in 1984, the group’s self-stated goal is the “reversal” of all “non-Hindu” influence in India, including the purge of all…
(Associated Press) — Poland’s lawmakers rejected a proposal to liberalize the country’s strict abortion law Wednesday and voted to continue work on further toughening the rules.
The opposing approaches were embodied in two separate draft…