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How Not To Be A Toxic And Terrible Trump Running Mate

We’re getting close to the party conventions, and within just the past week we’ve seen three flagrant examples of the exact opposite of what Republicans hoping to be Donald Trump’s running mate should be doing. I’m not sure what Republicans…

RFK Jr. Is Right About Joe Biden

RFK Jr. can be an unhinged leftist and crackpot, but he also happens to be correct about Joe Biden’s attacks on constitutional order, particularly free expression. Speaking to an incredulous Erin Burnett on CNN this week,…

The Populist Right Is Leading The GOP Into Irrelevancy

Since the GOP’s populist turn in 2016, the party has steadily lost ground in the suburbs and among independents. They have not had a single positive election cycle since. And the electoral failures of 2023 are just another instance of the…

Nikki Haley Is Hillary 2.0

Of all the terrible things about Nikki Haley — her enthusiasm for more foreign war funding, her deference to corporate cultural assault — the cringe-worthy attempts to hype her status as a woman (A mom! A wife!) and Indian (“I’m a…

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