Jesus' Coming Back
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Piece of shit cat knocks over fucking swear jar

WINDSOR — Local cat Furvel Mittenpaws has sent shockwaves through the Watson household after deliberately knocking over the family’s swear jar in an act of pure malice. “That son of a bitch knew exactly what the fuck he was doing,” said…

REPORT: Rescue dog in muzzle still a good boy

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Scientist: Otters are actually just wet dogs

Kingston, ON – A senior researcher at Queen’s University claimed this week that otters don’t exist and are actually just wet dogs. “It all came to me at the cottage,” said zoologist Dick Jones. “I was showing my wife pictures of sea otter…

Amateur magician pulls most of rabbit out of hat

EDMONTON – Rookie magician Marty Merlin has shocked and amazed onlookers at Trevor White’s ninth birthday party by removing most of a rabbit from his top hat. “Behold, Peter the Third in all his fluffy… oh, jeez, not again,” Merlin said,…

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