Jesus' Coming Back
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‘Ugly’ Blobfish Named Fish of the Year

Previously holding the title of “world’s ugliest animal,” the lumpy, jelly-like, deep-sea blobfish redeemed its reputation this week when it was crowned Fish of the Year by a New Zealand environmental group. What do you think? “Get…

Tennessee Man Shot By Dog

A Memphis man was recently grazed by a bullet in his home after his 1-year-old pit bull, Oreo, got his paw stuck in the trigger guard of a gun, causing it to fire. What do you think? “This just shows why we need guns specifically…

U.S. Loses A Fifth Of Its Butterflies In 2 Decades

A study published in the journal Science found that butterflies are vanishing from U.S. landscapes at an alarming rate, with 22% disappearing between 2000 and 2020. What do you think? “This is really going to put a damper on my…

Kangaroo Embryo Produced Through IVF For First Time

Researchers in Australia said that they have for the first time successfully produced kangaroo embryos through in-vitro fertilization, a breakthrough that may help save endangered species from extinction. What do you think? “Who’s…

Department Of Interior Bans Unlikely Animal Friendships

WASHINGTON—Fulfilling a campaign promise made by President Donald Trump, the U.S. Department of the Interior announced Wednesday that it was enacting a ban on unlikely animal friendships, effective immediately. “Starting today, any animal…

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