Jesus' Coming Back
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Anthony J. DeBlasi

Reaching for the Source of Meaning and Certitude

According to Macbeth, “Life’s but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing” . The following “second…

Meditation On a Poetic Incident

A moment in my life that returns to me as a kind of blessing is connected in an odd but wonderful way to a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. In “The Day is Done” he speaks of simple, heartfelt poems – he calls them “songs” –…

Liberation Fever

“. . . and a time to be vigilant” The liberation fever that triggered the French and Russian revolutions evolved into an epidemic that turned many churches into centers for the conversion of…

Do Math and Science Add Up to Reality?

My best friend, a retired math teacher, once asked: If there were no one around, would the theorems of mathematics still exist?It is the sort of metaphysical question that he and I like to kick around: nothing simple, no topic too big. I…

The Real Purpose of Fake Liberals

The following is not intended to criticize anyone truly liberal or who keeps an open mind. It is aimed at those who pretend to be liberal but are in fact allies of the Left, which makes them Marxists. Quotation marks on the word “liberal”…

When the Left Got Its Foot in the Door to America

The current crop of leftists were accurately described over fifty years ago in a dictionary of philosophy, no less. Under “Individualism,” Oswald von Nell-Breuning, a contributor to the Philosophical Dictionary of Walter Brugger/Kenneth…

The War With No Official Name

In 1953, I was 30 miles from Nagasaki, in the port city of Sasebo, Japan, on the way to Korea during the war there to keep communism from trampling every corner of Asia.I did not know it at the time, but Nagasaki, the second city to be…

Faking Reality is A Bad Idea

The idea that the nature of the world can be grasped in its fullness with a purely rational method, as many a physicist and scientist believes, always makes me wonder how those who seriously take this as fact are not in some way deluding…

An American Who Became an Alien

This is a true story.It was reduced in length to a “thumbnail size” some time ago as an exercise in brevity. Such extreme reduction of a story without blurring its essential character was, I think, good practice in limiting my usual writing…

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