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barack obama

The Archbishop Has Spoken

Barack Obama graces the U.N. climate-change conference with his presence. Glasgow, U.K. — The Biden show came. The Biden show went. One indicator of how nonseriously the world takes the Biden administration: President Biden himself came to…

Former Child Stars Describe Growing Up In The Industry

“Okay, I’ll tell you what it was like growing up in the industry, but you can’t publish this in the slideshow, okay? I’m serious. This is on deep cover. There are powerful people in Hollywood and I don’t want to shake that hornet’s nest…

Biden’s Plans For His First 100 Days

Following his inauguration, speculation has turned to what President Joe Biden will do with his first 100 days in office. The Onion takes a deep dive into the first 100 days of the Biden administration.Day 1: Rejoin World Health…

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