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How To Kiss

Start SlideshowMany Americans do not know how to kiss. Here is how to kiss.AdvertisementPrevious SlideNext SlideFirst Get Your Tongue As Dry As PossibleFirst Get Your Tongue As Dry As PossibleNobody likes the feeling of a sloppy wet tongue…

Jimmy Carter Gets Vasectomy

PLAINS, GA—According to sources familiar with the medical treatment he is currently receiving, former President Jimmy Carter, 98, underwent a conventional surgical vasectomy Tuesday in an effort to prevent any unwanted pregnancies. “I’m not…

2,000-Year-Old Roman Sex Toy Found In England

Experts say that a nearly 2,000-year-old wooden, penis-shaped object that was recently discovered in England could have served as a sexual tool by ancient Romans in Britain. What do you think?“We’re closer than ever to confirming that

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